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Polluted water: Authorities advise against bathing in Berlin’s airport lake – Berlin

The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) advised against swimming in the airport lake in Berlin-Tegel. Due to current indications of pollution from the heavy rain of the past few days, the lake was classified as yellow, the authority announced on Thursday.

Pollution after heavy rain can therefore also be expected on the Großer Glienicker See and Halensee. Due to the tributaries of the Spree and Havel from the Berlin urban area, there are also particular risks of dirt in the area of ​​the Unterhavel.

The water quality at the individual bathing areas can under www.badegewaesser-berlin.de be looked up. According to the information, the Unterhavel is checked daily, all other waters usually every 14 days.

The bathing areas at the Großer Glienicker See, the Halensee and the Unterhavel were initially still green on Thursday. Nevertheless, it makes sense to generally wait three to four days when swimming with small children after heavy rain, said a spokeswoman for the Lageso.

The Lageso also warned of the short-term occurrence of cercaria in warm waters. The larvae of small flukes are the cause of what is known as bathing dermatitis, they cause an itchy rash and wheals.

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According to Lageso, the occurrence of cercaria can be expected in the following bathing waters: Schlachtensee, Krumme Lanke, Jungfernheideteich, Großer and Kleiner Müggelsee, Halensee, Unterhavel (Große Steinlanke), Großer Wannsee. (dpa)

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