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Polls! “Massive advance of VVD stagnated, no shifts in political color” – The Daily Standard

In Maurice de Hond’s most recent poll, we no longer see any shifts compared to last week. This means that the political voting environment seems to have stabilized. The upward trend of the VVD now seems to have stagnated and remains at a stable 32 seats.

What does the most recent poll by De Hond mean? It seems that the massive advance of the VVD has stagnated. Mark Rutte’s party was at 32 seats last week and there is no difference this week: No shrinkage, but no growth.

Maurice de Hond / Peil.nl

The Forum for Democracy remains at 11 seats, which is 1 seat more than Rob Jetten’s D66. After the VVD, if we took the poll of De Hond as a guideline, the PvdA would become the second party with 19 seats. This is followed by Geert Wilders’ PVV (18) and CDA (17) respectively.

The ex-party of Henk Krol (50PLUS) is now on a marginal seat and the quarrel party DENK would, with the knowledge of today, also score a seat.

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