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POLLS: Lega, Zaia now double Matteo Salvini. Earthquake, sensational data

POLLS: Lega, Zaia now double Matteo Salvini. Earthquake, sensational data in Veneto

In Veneto dream polls for Luca Zaia, more than for the League of Matteo Salvini in view of the 2020 Regional Elections. According to Il Giorno, the Zaia list president is given at 36-38%. Fantastic numbers. The official list of the League? Again according to this survey, it does not go beyond 18-20. The moral is that in Veneto, however, there is no race: seven out of ten people (68-72 percent) are ready to confirm Zaia as the new president of the Region. Five years ago Zaia took 427,000 votes, equal to 23.08 per cent, with 13 seats. The Northern League won 329,000 votes, only 17.82 percent, with 10 seats. This survey shows that from 2015 to today the gap has widened.

Polls, Lega, Pd, M5S, Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Italia Viva, Action … LATEST NATIONAL POLITICAL SURVEYS

POLLS, Italexit di Paragone doubles

Italexit worth 4%. The poll of the Piepoli Institute crowns the party of Gianluigi Paragone which has doubled the votes in the last month. We take into account that a survey conducted by Political Thermometer, relating to the days of 8 and 9 July, had recorded a growth from 0.7 percent to 2 percent in one week.

Polls, Lega? Salvini drops again. Pd stable

After the Italexit boom, the polls by Piepoli, according to the latest estimates (of 4 August), give the League first party with 24%. However, the trend is -0.5% for the Carroccio of Matteo Salvini. Follows the Pd. The Democratic Party is stable: per Nicola Zingaretti and the Dems 21%.

Surveys, M5S at 18%. Giorgia Meloni flies with Fratelli d’Italia

5 Star Movement it too does not record large variations and stands at 18%. Brothers of Italy of Giorgia Meloni the M5S pushes: +0.5 for Fdi which rises to 16 per cent.

Polls: Forza Italia, Italia Viva, Action …

Surveys in the name of stability in this early August: Come on Italy e Silvio Berlusconi I’m at 6%, Italy Viva e Matteo Renzi to 2.5%. On the same line Action, the party of Carlo Calenda.

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