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“Pollen Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Hops.ID”

Hops.ID – Are you one of those individuals who often sneeze when they are near flowers? Did you know that there is a possibility that you have an allergy to this plant?

Pollen allergy or allergy to flower pollen is an allergy that can cause rhinitis and asthma.

Reporting from healthline.com by Hops.ID on Friday, 19 May 2023, the following is an explanation of flower pollen allergies.

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Pollen from grass, weeds or trees can trigger rhinitis, hay fever and asthma symptoms. Pollen season can last for several months and exposure is hard to avoid.

The word pollen comes from the Greek meaning ‘fine grain’. In plant ecosystems, the role of pollen grains is to fertilize female flowers to produce plant species.

Pollen grains can be spread by birds, insects (bees, butterflies, and moths), and wind.

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Plants, such as prairie grasses and weeds, rely on the wind to spread their pollen.

This pollen is produced in large quantities, flown over long distances and causes allergies in humans, even if they live far from the source.

Many people have an adverse response when they inhale pollen.

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Their immune system will usually ward off disease by defending the body against harmful intruders, such as viruses and bacteria.

In people with pollen allergies, the body’s immune system mistakenly identifies pollen as a harmful intruder.

2023-05-19 02:20:00
#sneezing #flowers #Lets #acquainted #pollen #allergy #prevent #Hops #Hops

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