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POLL: Will you get vaccinated when it’s your turn?

The vaccination of healthcare workers has started this week. There has been a lot of attention in the media for the first injections. In the coming months, the vaccines will be available to the rest of the population. Now we are curious if your opinion about the vaccination has changed. Do you get vaccinated when it is your turn?

Let your opinion be heard in our Rijnmond poll.

After the care workers, it is the turn of residents of nursing homes and people with intellectual disabilities in an institution to be vaccinated. After that, people with a medical indication can be vaccinated. The elderly will follow. The rest of the population may also receive the vaccine around April / May.

Diederik Gommers and nurse Tom Burggraaf were the first to receive an injection with the vaccine against corona at Erasmus MC.

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Employees of the IJsselland hospital and Maasstad hospital, among others, were also vaccinated this week.

The vaccination center at Rotterdam The Hague Airport also opened for the first time on Friday morning. The first days the GGD vaccinates about 250 healthcare workers.

Willingness to vaccinate is increasing

There are still many questions about the vaccine, including among healthcare workers. That is why Diederik Gommers has started an information campaign. Not without success. “I had said something about the mRNA vaccine last Saturday and had reached 1.7 million people in two days,” says IC doctor Gommers. “It’s incredible and beautiful that it works like this.”

The IC doctor notices that the willingness to be vaccinated is increasing, but this is still on the low side among young people. “65 percent of the young people now want to be vaccinated. The percentage is much higher among the elderly.” Gommers understands this because the virus is much less dangerous for young people than for the elderly. “It is therefore good to explain that for the virus to disappear, we will all have to give it a big blow.”

Doubts about the vaccine

Skeptics point to the risks of a new vaccine. Gommers puts this skepticism into perspective. “With other vaccines it has also not been shown what the long-term effects are. There is no 100 percent certainty, but 99 percent. Then the question is what is important to you. That one percent or the possibility to eradicate the virus.”

He sees doubts not only among young people. “A month ago, only a small part of my ICU nurses wanted an injection. Yesterday I spoke to them again and then everyone said ‘yes, we are going to get vaccinated’. If such a vaccination gets closer, you will go more think about it and you often come to a different decision. “

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