Home » today » Business » POLL. PiS is still in the lead with 30 percent. support, KO in second place, and Hołownia move in third. PSL outside the Seym!

POLL. PiS is still in the lead with 30 percent. support, KO in second place, and Hołownia move in third. PSL outside the Seym!

In March, PiS received the greatest support among those who would like to take part in the elections to the Sejm – 30 percent; KO is second – 24 percent, and Szymon Hołownia’s Ruch Polska 2050 – 14 percent is the third. – results from the Kantar poll. The left would be supported by 8 percent. voters, and the Confederation – 5 percent.

In March, among Poles who declared their readiness to take part in the elections to the Sejm, the greatest support was obtained by Law and Justice together with Solidarna Polska and the Agreement, reaching a result of 30 percent. – results from the Kantar poll.

KO before Poland 2050

The second place belongs to the Civic Coalition with almost a quarter of the votes (24%).

The next position would be Szymon Hołownia’s Movement Polska 2050, which would be supported by 14 percent. voters.

The Left (8%) and the Confederation were placed outside the top three, with support of 5%. votes.

People’s people outside the Seym

PSL-Koalicja Polska would not have entered the Sejm with 3 percent electoral support and the Kukiz’15 party would not have got 2 percent. votes.

Compared to February, there was an increase in support for the Civic Coalition (by 6 percentage points) and the Left (by 1 percentage point).

On the other hand, a decrease in support was recorded by Law and Justice (by 1 percentage point), Ruch Polska 2050 (by 1 percentage point), Konfederacja (by 1 percentage point) and PSL-Koalicja Polska (by 1 percentage point).

Support for the Kukiz’15 party has not changed.

Of the total number of people who announced their intention to vote, 14 percent she couldn’t decide who to vote for.

In March, two-thirds of Poles (67%) declare their willingness to participate in elections to the Sejm after the coronavirus epidemic.

33 percent respondents are determined to vote, while 34 percent. rather, the respondents plan to participate in the elections.

The opposite position is expressed by 20 percent. respondents – 9 percent announces that he will rather not vote, and 11 percent. people say they will definitely not vote.

13 percent Poles do not know yet whether they will vote in the elections.

Compared to the results obtained in February, the percentage of people definitely intending to vote increased by 1 percentage point, while the percentage of people who indicated that they would rather participate in the elections decreased (by 3 percentage points).

The percentage of respondents who definitely do not intend to vote decreased by 2 percentage points, while the percentage of people who rather do not plan to vote increased by 2 percentage points.

The survey was carried out on 5-10 March 2021, on a representative sample of 985 Polish residents aged 18 and over (party preferences: N = 666 people declaring “definitely” or “rather” intention to participate in the elections) Technique: computer-assisted face-to-face interviews (CAPI).

gah / PAP

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