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Poll. In CDMX, Morena falls in electoral preference

According to the survey conducted by EL UNIVERSAL In March, Brunette decreases in the electoral preferences of the citizens of the capital. If today were the elections to elect the head of government, he would obtain 37.2% of the intention to vote, which represents a setback of 2.3 percentage points compared to the December measurement and 5 to that of September 2021.

In the last local elections, just over 4 million people from the capital turned out to vote, which represented 52.15% of citizen participation.

The opposition alliance formed by the Party of the Democratic Revolution (FART), the National Action Party (PAN) and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) was victorious in nine of the 16 mayorships; however, those in opposition have failed to attract voters in any significant way; today the PAN would obtain only 15.6% of the preferences and the PRI, 5.3%.

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Among the possible candidates to govern the capital, the deputy Margaret Zavala it is the best known, with 91.5%; followed by senator Ricardo Monrealwith 71.4%, and by the current secretary of the Government of Mexico City, Marti Batreswith 67.1%.

Omar García Harfuch, Secretary of Citizen Security of the CDMX, is the one who has the most positive opinions from people, with 67.3%; Lía Limón, mayor of Álvaro Obregón, has 49%, and in third place is Clara Brugada, mayor of Iztapalapa, with 46.6%.

Five months have passed since the new mayors protested. At the beginning of their administrations they carried out tours, meetings with neighbors and dissemination of their activities through social networks; Despite the good start, four out of 10 inhabitants of the City do not know the name of their mayor and 49.4% say that it is very difficult to communicate with them. On the evaluation of their performance, there is a divided opinion, 46.5% perceive that they have done a good job, on the contrary, 42.7% disapprove.

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Prior to the inauguration of the new mayors, some of them stated that they did not receive the necessary support from the local government to start their public office in the best way. Months later, for 71.9% of the people the feeling remains that there is a confrontation between the head of government and the opposition mayors, 48.8% consider that the councilors of Morena receive more support.

In perception, public transport, with 6.53%, is the best rated item in its demarcation; followed by health services, 6.38%, and public services, with 6.24%. The worst evaluated are public security, with 5.18% and the fight against corruption, 5.58%.

Check the full survey here

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