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Poll: coalition at 76 seats, VVD at 39 | Inland

The seat distribution remains stable compared to the previous poll by EenVandaag and Ipsos a week ago. Prime Minister Rutte’s VVD wins a seat and comes to 39 seats. The ChristenUnie is also one seat higher than last week, which scores party 6. The CDA with Hoekstra loses one and comes to 17, D66 van Kaag is stable at 14 seats.

The fact that the coalition is stable is largely due to the fact that the government parties mainly compete with each other, according to EenVandaag. A large group of voters still have doubts between the VVD and the CDA. The ChristenUnie has also exchanged voters with the CDA in recent months. D66 has a broad group of parties as competitor: on the one hand, coalition partner VVD, on the other, GroenLinks, the PvdA and the SP.

‘Two seats newcomer JA21’

The PVV remains stable at 21 seats this week, Forum for Democracy remains at 4. GroenLinks loses a seat and stands at 12, the PvdA also drops one and is now at 11, the SP remains at 10. Of the new parties, JA21 now has 2 seats, Volt keeps 1 seat.

More than two thousand Dutch citizens with voting rights took part in the survey. They were randomly selected according to the surveys. Polls were conducted from 5 to 8 March.

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