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Politics | Marseille: in Vallon-des-Auffes, the swimming pool is making waves

In Vallon-des-Auffes, everyone returns the ball. Affected by a recurring overcrowding in recent years, the small port of the 7th arrondissement is now at the heart of a political controversy (a new one) between the town hall (sector) and the Marseille-Provence territory council (ex-MPM). With, in the middle, an association asked to leave the premises shortly. The affair dates back to mid-April, when the association of Friends of Vallon-des-Auffes, which occupies a municipal building located above the ” swimming pool “- a cove popular with swimmers at the exit of the port – receives a letter from the town hall asking it to return the keys by May 19 at the latest. “AVAs had known for months that they had to go elsewhere”, explains Sophie.

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