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Politicians want clarification about a sick working atmosphere at boas: “College has hope to explain”

Several parties in the city council are asking the college for clarification about the unrest within the enforcement service, where according to employees there is a sick and unsafe working atmosphere.

Many extraordinary investigating officers (boas) prefer to leave the city as soon as possible. There is a culture of fear among the staff, according to conversations that AT5 conducted in recent times.

Internal documents show that boas are judged in appraisal interviews on the number of written receipts. In addition, absenteeism and staff turnover is high and, according to employees, more and more police tasks have to be performed on the street. You can read the full story and the response of the municipality here.

Survey to map dissatisfaction

The VVD wants to know how the situation at the enforcement service was able to escalate and how the problems will be solved. “How could this have arisen?”, wonders party leader Marianne Poot. The party also wants more information about absenteeism among boas. In addition, the VVD asks the Board to look at a survey among boas to map out the dissatisfaction.

“The black book raises a lot of questions,” responds D66 leader Reinig van Dantzig. “In addition, enforcers have had an absurdly tough year with the corona measures, so we as a municipality are obliged to find out what is going on here.”

He points out that Amsterdam has been struggling with a shortage of police officers for some time. “As a result, enforcers can end up in the front line, about which various boas are now also complaining. I think it is essential to continue to separate certain tasks,” said Van Dantzig.

“This is unacceptable”

The municipal enforcement service has been rumbling for some time. Last summer, for example, confidence in the management was withdrawn. Various abuses emerge from an internal black book – which has been seen by AT5. For example, there is great dissatisfaction within the organization about how complaints are handled by supervisors and management.

DENK also wants transparency. “Unacceptable”, group representative Sheher Khan calls the passages from the black book. “This is no longer a black book, but a horror book. The college has a lot to explain”

His colleague from the Labor Party, Sofyan Mbarki, responds: “This is not good news, but I am not completely surprised. There has been understaffing for some time and that will take its toll at some point.” The PvdA wants the problems to be solved quickly, so that enforcers can do their work safely. “I mainly have questions about how this could happen and how they think the problems can be solved,” said Mbarki.

The CDA is also shocked by the reports about the unrest at the Public Space Supervision & Enforcement Service (THOR). “Very intense matters,” Bowine Michel of the CDA tweeted.

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