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Politicians appreciated Zeman’s speech, but there was also criticism

“It is right that the President of the Republic fully supports the measures taken by the government he has appointed. It is a pity that I did not hear: “… and therefore I will not request an exemption from these measures for myself on October 28.” If he gets the exception, he can say what he wants about the support. Shown is valid, “Kalousek wrote on Twitter.

He thus reacted to the planned ceremony on October 28 at Prague Castle, where Zeman is to present a state award. The current measures against the spread of coronavirus prohibit the gathering of more than six people.

Miroslav Kalousek

Photo: Jan Handrejch, Law

Senate President Miloš Vystrčil essentially acknowledged the president’s speech, but lacked “reassuring leadership.”

The speech was also praised by the chairman of KDU-ČSL Marian Jurečka, according to whom he was “more conciliatory than usual”. Jurečka also called for consideration.

ODS deputy chairman Martin Kupka said that Zeman had simplified the fight with coronavirus for wearing veils. According to him, he waited for encouragement.

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