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Political tool? Art? Memes beyond the joke

The Siqueiros Public Art Room (SAPS), will carry out the discussion tables Memes as a political tool, On August 17th, and Memes as arton Saturday, August 24, at 12 noon, in which content creators will participate to analyze the way in which communication through social networks and the Internet has evolved in Mexico.

The first table will feature: Sofia Otero; Fernando Székely, creator of Wild politics; Fernando Bustosphilosopher, cultural critic and writer; Gerardo True y Jose Antonio Dorantesknown as “The Honey Boy” and co-curator of the exhibition The subversive art of the memeswhich ends its exhibition on August 25 at the SAPS.

The curator explained that the exhibition reflects the impact that independent content creators and meme creators currently have. “Within this entire spectrum of information, we will address what is happening in the world with social networks and how memes, that is, content made by independent users on the Internet, have a greater weight than conventional media.”

He pointed out that A meme can impact public opinion positively or negatively. towards a topic or theme in a viral and forceful manner from various angles.

They will also have as a guest the creator of “Jijistory Channel”: @jijistorychannel on Instagram, who posts about aspects of Mexican and world history and even shares interesting facts.

For “The Honey Boy”, People of any age can make a meme and spread it. He commented that when someone expresses a political idea in a meme, which can be a simple image or a short video, it has more impact than any columnist in a newspaper.

“Nobody is talking about the importance of this phenomenon that is happening not only in Mexico, but throughout the world. For example, within the campaign of the president of the United States, Joe Biden, One of the most important and best-paid positions on his team was that of an expert in memes, but above all in communication through social networks,” he said.

The content creators invited to the panels are: Sof Otero (Sofia Otero): @sof.otero on TikTok; Fernando Bustos: @ferbustos on Instagram; Fernando Székely: @politica_salvaje on Instagram; José Antonio Dorantes “El niño miel”: @elninomiel on Instagram.

The second table, Memes as artwill focus on the aesthetic dimension of the memes. The creator and content creators will participate Andrea Fernandezde @memerylstrep; Pablo Cardenasfrom @memes.de.perritos; Francisco Austria, from @metrotacubaya, and Eduardo Salvatoriby @inbmemes, moderated by “El niño miel”.

The exhibition The subversive art of memes explores the concept of meme as a medium for the aesthetic dissemination of information on topics of public interest, through critical humor and political satire. Memes play a significant role in shaping collective imaginations, in order to enable the public to reflect on aesthetic communication in the digital age.

The Siqueiros Public Art Gallery is located at Tres Picos 29, Polanco neighborhood, Miguel Hidalgo municipality. Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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