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Political Scandal: Representative Accused of Dating Underage Girl

– I’m so angry! And disappointed that he thinks he is a good representative of the Danish people when he has such a twisted approach to young people and their sexuality. It is simply a violation of democracy!

This is written by the representative of the party Moderates (M), Monika Rubin, in a Facebook posts.

There, the former party colleague goes so far as to accuse Fonseca of so-called “grooming”, which according to Large Norwegian encyclopedia is “that an adult arranges a meeting with a child under the age of 16 with the intention of committing a sexual assault”

Political “bomb”: – Dates 15-year-old

Dated 15 year old

The statement comes in the wake of representative Mike Villa Fonseca telling Danes TV2 that he calls in sick and withdraws from the party, after it became known that he had had a long-term relationship with an underage girl.

The party’s leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen confirmed on Friday that the girl is 15 years old, and that the relationship should have started when the girl was in the eighth grade. Fonseca is 28 years old.

Put on hold

– She is a child

Rubin writes that she was at a birthday celebration for her 16-year-old cousin, when the topic of conversation suddenly changed to the ongoing political scandal.

– We’re having a good time, until we run into that “KlammeMike” guy. What a knot in the stomach! And what ugly mental images, of a large and fully grown man, in bed with someone my cousin’s age, she is actually a whole year younger than my cousin!

RASER: Representative of the Moderate party (M), Monika Rubin, says she is furious at Fonseca’s behaviour. Photo: Folketinget. view more

The Danish newspaper BT writes that “grooming” was made illegal in Denmark earlier this year, and can be punished with up to two years in prison. In Norway, “grooming” is also illegal, with a penalty of one year.

Rubin did not want to do an interview with BT, but writes in a text message that she stands by the accusation that the relationship can be considered “grooming”.

– In relation to my use of the word “grooming”, I refer to the fact that the girl has just left the 8th grade, and is therefore still a child in my world, writes Rubin, according to the newspaper.

According to the newspaper, both Fonseca and the girl’s parents have claimed that there is consent to the relationship.

– Not welcome

Fonseca has called in sick from his position in the Folketing, but will return according to plan after a few weeks. On Friday evening, the Folketinget confirms to Danish TV 2 that he will then return as an independent representative.

The representative says that he still envisions a future in a new political party.

– One of the other parties may be interesting. The Social Democrats, Venstre, or Liberal Alliance, says Fonseca to the channel.

The leaders of the aforementioned parties, on the other hand, are not interested in taking Fonseca into the heat, and all three of them flatly deny that he will be able to become a representative for any of their parties, according to TV 2.

– He is not welcome, for the same reason as he is not welcome at the Moderates, says the leader of the Liberal Alliance, Alex Vanopglagh, to the channel.

2023-11-18 22:58:33
#Party #colleague #rages #Grooming

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