On the morning of this Tuesday, April 9, the atmosphere outside the Rancagua Guarantee Court became increasingly tense, as the time approached for the formalization of Mayor Juan Ramón Godoy, who was being charged with bribery crimes. , embezzlement of public funds, fraud against the treasury and money laundering, as well as four other businessmen, for alleged irregular tenders and direct dealings.
Expectation gripped the inhabitants of the regional capital, regarding this news that has captured attention, not only at the regional level, but also at the national level, since the future of the first municipal authority is truly uncertain, since Everything revolves around the decision made by the court in the case on this notorious case of alleged acts of corruption committed by the current mayor.
The large number of regional and national media, present to cover this news event, which is present for the first time in the history of the capital of the O’Higgins region, allowed us to consult the opinions of several councilors, deputies and senators, in the presence of Mayor Juan Ramón Godoy and businessmen Javier Cornejo Diez, Diego David Barba, Carlos Rodríguez Cajas and Daniel Salazar González, all sitting “on the dock,” at the formalization hearing this Tuesday, the 9th. of April.
The four councilors who have remained firm in their positions and accusations against Mayor Juan Ramón Godoy, arrived a few minutes after the formalization began, being: Hugo Guzmán Millán, Valentina Cáceres, María del Carmen Orueta and Emerson Avendaño Llanca, who, When consulted outside the Rancagua Guarantee Court, they were in favor of justice reigning for the good of the citizens of the capital commune.
Councilors await preventive detention
For Hugo Guzmán Millán, this is a complex day of mixed feelings, because this is sad news for Rancagua, but what is sought is for justice to be done and for the residents of Rancagua to regain confidence in the public and in the work they do as councilors.
In the same order, councilor Emerson Avendaño Llanca, also confirmed that his complaints have never been political attacks, but that it is never too late to become part of the causes attributed to Mayor Juan Ramón Godoy.
“This strengthens our position and we hope that in this formalization the maximum measures can be taken, because we find that the mayor is a danger to the commune and to the municipality of Rancagua,” he stated.
Avendaño asserted that they maintain their position and that their lawyers will request preventive detention, since it is the most pertinent and denied having had conversations with the Public Ministry, on the same line of requiring preventive detention for the mayor.
For her part, Councilor Valentina Cáceres, that this formalization of the mayor for various crimes, and that the request of the legal team is “strong and clear”, that preventive detention be declared, in such a way that he distances himself from his duties, because it eventually represents a risk to municipal coffers.
Another of the councilors who was consulted on the matter is Patricio Henríquez who, first of all, hoped that the legal process would be respected, since the court is the only one empowered and has the monopoly of justice; and secondly, that if the crimes are proven, wait for the rigor of the courts, since in his opinion “these crimes should not be allowed or forgiven.
“The damage to public faith, to municipal coffers and to the image of our city is something that is very difficult to reverse,” he indicated.
On the other hand, Henríquez believes that, based on these events, legislation will be made and penalties will be toughened to end these painful links between politics and the business world.
Likewise, Councilor Patricio Henríquez hopes that “justice does its job properly and in the most rigorous manner, they are not acceptable crimes, but they are the ones who must determine in their sentence what the result is.”
Claudio Segovia: “there is no one above the Law”
The mayor of Graneros and current second vice president of the Association of Municipalities of the O’Higgins region (MURO’H), Claudio Segovia Cofré set a position on the formalization of his counterpart from Rancagua, to which he stated that “there is no one about the Law”, since trust in institutions, such as the Public Ministry and the police, is vital for strengthening democracy.
Segovia indicated that they work with public resources and are always available for the agencies to carry out the necessary investigations into the use of the assets and to do so appropriately within the current legal framework.
“We believe that democracy needs to be strengthened and also the credibility of these institutions before citizens,” insisted the mayor of Graneros.
For the vice president of the MURO’H, the municipalities are the closest body that the citizens of the Chilean state have and that support the actions undertaken by the prosecutor’s office, the courts of justice and by all the State bodies that exercise the determining function. to strengthen democracy.
Claudio Segovia believes that no one should refuse the investigation and always be available for the organizations to carry out their work properly, given that as public officials who work for Chile.
“We believe that the truth should always be sought, without seeking ways that could tarnish people’s honor,” expressed the highest authority of Graneros, adding that truth, justice and democracy are fundamental values for Chile to continue being a modern, effective and efficient country in the use of public resources.
Finally, the vice president of the MURO’H said that the mayors are always available to respond to the requirements of State agencies that need information to do their job well.
Deputy Natalia Romero: The facts are “absolutely serious”
The representative for the O’Higgins region, Natalia Romero, described as “absolutely serious” the events described by the Prosecutor’s Office in the formalization hearing of the mayor of Rancagua, Juan Ramón Godoy, and in her opinion, they require to be investigated with the utmost care. possible seriousness, establishing each and every one of the corresponding sanctions in the event that the guilt of those involved is proven.
Romero considers it essential that “as a country we give a signal against any act of corruption that may exist, especially within public institutions, and although the mayor of Rancagua has the legitimate right to defend himself” and that if his responsibility in the crimes for which the Prosecutor’s Office accuses him, he hopes that he will be punished accordingly.
Parliamentarian Natalia Romero was emphatic when stating that any act of corruption within the public service, such as municipalities, ends up directly harming the residents of that commune.
“We strongly condemn the events described by the Prosecutor’s Office and we expect the highest possible sentence if they are proven.”
Deputy Diego Schalper: “Let the Prosecutor’s Office work with transparency”
Diego Schalper, deputy to the National Congress, also established a position on the formalization of Juan Ramón Godoy, who believes that justice must be allowed to function as it should and that all aspects of the case be investigated and for the peace of mind of the residents of Rancagua, let the final consequences be reached.
“I have the feeling that today what is appropriate, especially in cases like these, is that we let the Prosecutor’s Office do its work with transparency, with dedication, with rigor and that we wait for the results of the investigation,” Scalper expressed.
Obviously, deputy Diego Schalper assures that, “if there are responsibilities, we will have to see the charges formulated by the Prosecutor’s Office.”
Senator Javier Macaya: “Sad news of corruption in Rancagua”
Senator Javier Macaya did not want to ignore this scandalous case of alleged irregular events in the coffers of the municipality of Rancagua, which he considers “it is sad that Rancagua makes the news with issues of corruption and mismanagement.”
The also president of the UDI, indicated that the Rancagüinos deserve for the city to be distinguished for what it has always been: “a great city to live in.”
“As I have said on other topics that I am not familiar with, we must let the institutions function and justice do its job,” Macaya stressed, adding that anyone who has antecedents to provide must hand them over to the prosecutor’s office so that this process can be carried out as smoothly as possible. as quickly as possible, for the tranquility and safety of the residents of Rancagua.

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