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Political Positioning and Negotiations: Thai Speaker Elections on July 7

On July 7, Mr. Jatuporn Phromphan, speaker of the People’s Integration Faculty Facebook Live Thailand must come first: “Good idea?”

Mr. Jatuporn said that the change in the position of Speaker of the Council from Mr. Suchart to Mr. Wan Muhammad Nor Matha, leader of the National Party. Suddenly, in the last two nights before the council vote, which is expected to come from a new position exchange proposal therefore making it smooth and easy without any resistance from Mr. Suchart Tancharoen

Most importantly, hypothetically revealing the negotiations for political positioning that If you want to exchange positions with any person Need to study the needs of that person as well, assuming that He had been the vice president of the council before. proposed as desired to be the president of the council and when the words are wrong therefore renegotiate considering that He still has a desire to be something. If he used to be Deputy Minister of Interior, he would propose to be the Minister of Interior, so the proposed exchange according to his wishes was smooth. and make sweet dreams Therefore, it is no different from deceiving and boiling according to one’s desires.

Mr. Jatuporn said that according to the original plan to vote for the Prime Minister on July 13, if Mr. Phitha Limcharoenrat far-reaching party leader Did not pass the criteria for 376 parliamentary resolutions and will give another opportunity to vote to push to the end.

Therefore, when reaching the destination, the point of doubt There were rumors that came about claiming to vote for the Pheu Thai Prime Minister candidate, with the Kao Klai Party still able to join the government. Which this story has not been proven in any way.

“The election of the prime minister on July 13 is therefore worrying, with the original plan of some parties agreed to have Mr. Phitha vote 3 times, according to Mr. Pichet. Muang Phan ethnicity Second Deputy Speaker of the House of the Pheu Thai Party Claimed to be on the 13th and 19th, and ends on July 20, to prove the sound of 376 until no doubt. But politics has been spun,” Mr. Jatuporn said.

Mr. Jatuporn said that on July 13, the original power group Therefore weighing 50: 50 together that if able to successfully operate Saowaha Cobra will play a game against each other on the first day

Mr. Jatuporn said that if Gen. Prawit Wongsuwan had confidence from Saowapha Cobra. Causing more than half of the votes in the House of Representatives, that is, with a total of 251 votes or more, would not allow the risk of reaching the Prime Minister’s vote on July 19 or 20 again due to the untrustworthy situation

“The sound of a cobra slithering across the pole There are clear reports of numbers of people who have come in a hundred percent form, 40 people will come in a seventy percent form, more than 63 people. If thinking only fifty percent, there would be as many as 87 people, when combined with 188 votes, would exceed 251 votes, which was more than half of the council’s 500 votes.

If some species of cobras are distorted In addition, there is an open vote arranged in alphabetical order in 2019, inevitably going into a ghost situation to the cemetery, that is, when people manage each party, both senators, Hao and minority parties. If twisted together, only 40 people in the House of Representatives come from the cobra, the total voice is less than half of the 500 people, but the Prime Minister’s vote (Gen. Prawit) has returned more than 376, implying that there will be chaos immediately from July 13, ”said Mr. Jatuporn.

Mr. Jatuporn said that due to the green light being used causing rumors to follow Both Mr. Peeraphan Salirathaviphak, leader of the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party will compete for the Prime Minister but was promptly rejected In addition, the rumors will lead to the actions of the Election Commission (ECT) in the case of sending the allegations against Mr. Phitha to the Constitutional Court without having to wait 15 days, as claimed to extend the investigation period. okay

“The political situation from now until the election of the Prime Minister on July 13 is worrying. Sudden action decisions can happen at any moment. by the old power groups, political assessments on a minute-by-minute basis due to outsmarting each other more frequently because of distrust of the past negotiations which cannot be missed again So find a way to prevent being repeatedly distorted like choosing the chairman of the council, ”said Mr. Jatuporn.

Mr. Jatuporn estimates that the situation on July 7, if the number of Saowaha cobras Which claims to have reached 87 people, must listen to it. Because a lot, however, if considering the past election situation Someone from one party has already helped another candidate. There is a high probability that the Saowapa cobra will be raised, so it must be closely monitored on July 13, until the end, it may turn into another form. Because politics outwit each other very high during this period

2023-07-08 02:22:00
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