Home » today » World » Political polls, Forza Italia is growing: it is now linked to the League. FdI loses again, Pd and M5S pay for the defeat in Abruzzo

Political polls, Forza Italia is growing: it is now linked to the League. FdI loses again, Pd and M5S pay for the defeat in Abruzzo

Brothers of Italy will never see the light again. Forza Italia, on the other hand, shines, so much so that it almost touches the League, the internal antagonist in the race for second place in the governing coalition. The defeat in Abruzzo instead hurts the broad field: Pd and M5S pay the price in equal measure. This is the photograph of the main political forces that emerges in Supermedia’s weekly report Youtrend / Agicarried out on March 21st on the basis of surveys carried out from March 7th to 20th by the Eumetra and Euromedia institutes, Ixè, Noto, Swg and Tecnè.

Compared to the data of the previous 15 days, the party of Giorgia Meloni has lost a tenth, a slight decline which however is part of a negative trail that began before New Year’s Eve: in 2024 a positive sign and voting intentions have not yet been recorded for the Brothers of Italy, which at the end of last year they were close to 29%, they have now fallen to 27.5%. Instead, slow down the descent Matteo Salviniwho recovers a tenth but doesn’t have time to smile: behind him, the Forza fans led by Antonio Tajani they press him and now the gap between the two deputy prime ministers is just two tenths, the League is at 8.2% and the Berlusconians at 8% thanks to a further half point gained in 15 days.

The two protagonists of the center-left wide field instead move arm in arm with little joy: on the table of Elly Schlein and on that of Giuseppe Conte a drop of three tenths arrives, with the Dems returning to below 20% (now at 19.8) and the Five Star Movement at 16%. He also loses Carlo Calenda, just one tenth which however brings Action to 3.9%, below the threshold for access to the European Parliament. Avs, however, remains slightly higher, at 4.1%.

Supermedia List

FdI 27,5% (-0,1)

PD 19,8% (-0,3)

M5S 16.0% (-0.3)

Lega 8,2% (+0,1)

FI 8,0% (+0,5)

AVS 4,1% (=)

The 3.9% (-0.1)

IV 3,2% (=)

+E 2,8% (+0,1)

ItalExit 1,5% (=)

UP 1,3% (-0,2)

NM 1,2% (+0,2)

#Political #polls #Forza #Italia #growing #linked #League #FdI #loses #M5S #pay #defeat #Abruzzo
– 2024-04-01 13:50:21

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