New polls from several major institutes published in recent days allow us to obtain a more accurate Supermedia than those around the summer break. This new analysis shows that the center-right has indeed consolidated, although not as much as it seemed last week.
Political polls, FdI slows down. The PD loses one point from the European elections, M5S rises

The majority party that earns the most is confirmed anyway Forza Italia (+0,3%), con FdI and +0,2% e.g Lega at +0.1%, while at a general level it is M5s to record a positive balance of almost half a point, despite the tensions between Conte e Grilloand the Pd earns 0.1%.
Among the parties, it returns ‘in suffering’ Actionwhich falls below 3%, as Supermedia has not recorded since June 2021.
The variations in brackets indicate the deviation from the Superaverage of a month and a half ago (1 August 2024)
Supermedia list
FDI 29,0 (+0,2)
PD 23,2 (+0,1)
M5S 11,7 (+0,4)
Forza Italia 9.2 (+0.3)
Lega 8,5 (+0,1)
Greens/Left 6.5 (+0.1)
Action 2.9 (-0.3)
Italy Alive 2.3 (=)
+Europa 1,7 (-0,1)
Peace Earth Dignity 1.0 (-0.3)
Supermedia coalitions 2022
Center-right 47.6 (+0.6)
Centre-left 31.4 (+0.1)
M5S 11,7 (+0,4)
Third Pole 5.1 (-0.4)
Others 4.2 (-0.7)
USE: The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes polls conducted from September 6 to 18, was carried out on September 19 based on sample size, date of realization and data collection method.
The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Demopolis (publication date: 18 September), Eumetra (12 September), Euromedia (12 September), Ipsos (14 September), Ixè (11 September), Piepoli (12 September), SWG (9 and 16 September), and Tecnè (7 and 14 September).
The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website
#Political #polls #Forza #Italia #grows #M5s #Action #slows
– 2024-09-20 08:34:48