Home » today » World » Political polls, FdI slows down. The PD loses one point from the European elections, M5S rises

Political polls, FdI slows down. The PD loses one point from the European elections, M5S rises

FdI confirms its leading position, in line with the result of the European elections (28.8%), but with a decrease compared to seven days ago: in the comparison carried out by the Supermedia of Agi/Youtrend, which refers to the data from the previous week, the party of Georgia Meloni loses four tenths. The same slowdown is recorded for the Democratic Party which maintains second place but falls by 0.5%. A step backwards that becomes exactly one point if we look at the European data, when Elly Schlein accounted for 24.1% in the south.

In the last Supermedia before the summer break, it is the center-left that reveals a trend that is different from the June vote for Strasbourg. The decline of the Dems corresponds to a growth of the M5s, which records the greatest progress not only compared to last week but also (+1.3%) in comparison with the European elections. The other parties remain stable or slightly decreasing, with Iv that grows slightly but remains just above 2% after the opening statements of Matthew Renzi towards an alliance with the centre-left.

The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes polls conducted from July 18 to 31, was carried out on August 1 based on the sample size, the date of execution and the data collection method. The polls considered were conducted by the institutes Euromedia (publication date: July 29), Ipsos (July 27), Piepoli (July 26), SWG (July 22 and 29), and Tecnè (July 20 and 27).

The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it

Supermedia list

FDI 28,8 (-0,4)

PD 23,1 (-0,5)

M5S 11,3 (+0,7)

Forza Italia 8.9 (-0.2)

Lega 8,4 (-0,1)

Greens/Left 6.4 (-0.3)

Action 3,2 (=)

Italy Alive 2.3 (+0.2)

+Europa 1,8 (-0,2)

Peace Earth Dignity 1.3 (-0.1)

South calls North 1.0 (-0.1)

We Moderates 0.8 (-0.3)

Supermedia coalitions 2022

Center-right 47.0 (-0.7)

Centre-left 31.3 (-0.9)

M5S 11,3 (+0,7)

Third Pole 5.5 (+0.2)

Other 4.9 (+0.7)

#Political #polls #FdI #slows #loses #point #European #elections #M5S #rises
– 2024-08-01 18:45:31

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