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Political polls, FdI drops further: the gap with the Democratic Party is reduced to six points

It goes down again Brothers of Italy. According to the latest SWG survey on voting intentions as of April 2, 2024, the party of Giorgia Meloni it now stands at 26.7% (-0.3% compared to the reading on March 25). A decline that worries the prime minister two months before the European elections. And that goes hand in hand with the European Championships approaching. Also to blame are the recent splits in the majority and the increasingly aggressive campaign carried out by Matteo Salvini against the leader, as he wrote today Republic. It is also the fault of the legal troubles involving some government officials, such as the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè.

Behind there is always the Democratic party which shortens the distance. While the negotiations on the leaders for the next European elections continue, according to the latest survey the Dems would now be at 20.1%, gaining 0.2% like the M5S which reaches 15.8%. Third position for Lega at 8.5% (+0.2%) and fourth place for Forza Italia al 7,6% (-0,1%).

Avs and Action they are both above 4%: nothing new compared to seven days ago Greens and left now at 4.1% and small growth for Action to 4.1% (+0.1%). remain stable Italy alive at 3.4% while +Europa reaches 2.9% (+0.1%).

The list Peace Earth Dignity by Santoro is quoted at 1.4% (-0.2%), Sovereign and Popular Democracy all’1,3% (-0,3%); We moderates all’1% (-0,1%); Other party to 3.1% (+0.2%). 37% (+3%) do not express their opinion.

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– 2024-04-02 21:43:24

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