The tear in Bari by Giuseppe Conte. Which then dictates the conditions to Elly Schlein to transform the Democratic Party and “free it from bosses and caciques” and rediscover the agreement and the invitation to “change the Democratic Party before the Democratic Party changes you”. The Democratic Party secretary who accuses him of unreliability for his decision to cancel the primaries for the choice of the candidate for mayor of Bari after the new investigation on the vote swap. “A unilateral choice. This is how you help the right”, his comment. A week of mutual accusations and disagreements between the Pd and M5S which trigger internal reactions with repercussions in consensus. As shown by the new Swg survey for La7. This week the voting orientation of Italians sees a slight decline for the Pd (-0,3) e M5S (-0,2), United States of Europe (-1,0) e Action (-0.1). And a slight increase for FdI (+0,2), Lega (+0,3) e Forza Italia (+0,2).
Schlein’s party is now at 19.8%, suffering a small decline compared to last week. The same happens to Conte’s Movement which reaches 15.6%, positioning itself 4 points below the Dems. Fratelli d’Italia, on the other hand, has a slight recovery, after weeks of decline. The prime minister’s party Giorgia Meloni reaches almost 27 (now at 26.9%) and the other two majority forces are also growing: La Lega it stands at 8.8 (+0.3%) and is one point lower Forza Italia al 7,8% (+0,2%).

Among the minor parties, there was a slight decline Greens and the Left (-0.2) which drops to 3.9%. Everyone else earns: Peace, Earth and Dignity all’1,6% (+0,2), Freedom all’1,5 (+0,6) e Sovereign and Popular Democracy at 1.4 (+0.1), stable at 1% We Moderates Of Maurizio Lupi.
Leaders’ approval
In six months, approval towards opposition leaders has grown: Elly Schlein al 26%, Angelo Bonelli to 18% e Nicola Fratoianni at 19% they earn 0.4%. It also goes up a little Giuseppe Conte (+0,1%) al 30%, Carlo Calenda al 17% (+0,2%). Giorgia Meloni instead it remains at 36%

#Political #polls #disagreements #broad #field #bring #M5S #approval #opposition #leaders #growing
– 2024-05-08 15:21:04