Home » today » World » Political polls, clouds over the centre. Calenda moves away from the 4% threshold, Renzi and +Europa also decline after the agreement

Political polls, clouds over the centre. Calenda moves away from the 4% threshold, Renzi and +Europa also decline after the agreement

Carlo Calenda he is in trouble and sees the 4 percent objective worth access to Brussels slipping away. And it loses ground too Matteo Renziwhich in view of the European Championships has launched the double traction with Emma Bonino associating +Europa in a purpose IV list without however arousing enthusiasm among the voters of both parties, after the controversy over the probable presence in the future common “United States of Europe” list of candidates who refer to Totò Cuffaro. And if the political barometer shows clouds in the center, on the left it is Avs who sees a gloomy horizon, while the Pace Terra Dignità list makes its debut in the polls Michele Santoro which replaces Unione Popolare and debuts with 1.6%.

These are the most marked elements in the photograph taken with the Agi/Youtrend Supermedia, developed on the basis of a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. At the top of the ranking there is still FdI but it returns to record a minus, losing a tenth. The PD gains two and the M5S three and the protagonists of the broad field are thus confirmed on the podium at 20% and 16.3% respectively.

Now tied (and very far behind) Lega and Forza Italia remain at 8.2%, with the Berlusconi supporters confirming the growth trend. The drop in Avs is quantified at four tenths, which brings the Verdi Sinistra alliance back to 3.7%. Parallel decline vice Action, but Calenda is now at 3.5. IV and + Europe taken individually weigh 3.1% (down by one tenth) and 2.6% (down by two tenths) respectively. The algebraic sum is well over 4. But the voters’ reaction to a single list is still to be weighed.

Supermedia list

FDI 27,4% (-0,1%)

PD 20,0% (+0,2%)

M5s 16.3 (+0.3%)

Lega 8,2% (=)

Forza Italia 8.2% (+0.2%)

Greens/Left 3.7% (-0.4%)

Share 3.5% (-0.4%)

Italia Viva 3.1% (-0.1%)

+Europa 2,6% (-0,2%)

Italexit/Freedom 1.6% (+0.1%)

Peace Earth Dignity 1.6% (np)

We Moderates 1.0% (-0.2%)

Supermedia coalitions 2022

Centre-right 44.8% (-0.1%)

Centre-left 26.3% (-0.4%)

M5s 16.3% (+0.3%)

Third Pole 6.6% (-0.5%)

Italexit 1,6% (+0,1%)

Other 4.4% (+0.6%)

The weighting includes surveys carried out from March 21st to April 3rd, and was carried out today on the basis of sample size, completion date and data collection method. The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Eumetra (publication date: 28 March), Euromedia (28 March), Ipsos (28 March), Noto (3 April), SWG (25 March and 2 April) and Tecnè (25 March and 3rd April). The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is on the website www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it.

#Political #polls #clouds #centre #Calenda #moves #threshold #Renzi #Europa #decline #agreement
– 2024-05-12 01:51:11

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