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Political polls, approval of the Meloni government drops and trust in the prime minister

Judgment on the Meloni government has declined in the last month. According to Youtrend‘s survey for Sky TG24, the 55% (+3%) of voters in fact, he expresses a negative opinion on his work, while the positive opinions stop at 36% (-5%). Generally, based on the survey, the period of substantial stability regarding the other party leaders continues. Not for Giorgia Meloni though. Trust in him fell by 0.2% to 34%. Followed by Giuseppe Conte (30%) who, after the decline in the weeks following the European elections, regained two points and returned to being the most appreciated political leader after the prime minister. At 27% it is Antonio Tajani is Elly Schlein.

Trust in government and leaders

In detail, the leaders in whom Italians place the most trust are: Giorgia Meloni al 34% (-2%); Giuseppe Conte 30% (+2%); Antonio Tajani (+1%) e Elly Schlein (+1%) to 27%. They follow, Matteo Salvini stable at 19%, Carlo Calenda al 16% (+2%), Matteo Renzi stable at 11% (+3%). The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella is enjoying growing support from the vast majority of Italians with 63% (-2%).

The parties

Compared to September, the prime minister’s party also dropped: Brothers of Italy in fact it reaches 28.2% (-0.2), and a slight loss also for the main opposition party, the Pdwhich loses 0.3% and stands at 23.2%. Behind them the 5 Star Movement at 11% (+0.5%), which remains ahead of Forza Italia almost 10%, precisely 9.8% (+0.1%) and Lega at 9.1%, the latter up by just under one point (+0.9%). They follow Avs at 7%, growing by 0.2% and the parties of the former Third Pole, both decreasing: Action (3.2%, -0.5 points) e Italia Viva (2.5%, -0.6). Slight decline also for +Europa (-0.2%) now at 2.2%, for Peace, Earth and Dignity allo 0,7% (-0,3%), South Calls North to 0.6% (-0.4%). Other parties 2.4% (-0.7%). Abstentions and undecideds are at 44.9% (+9.7%).

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