Home » today » World » Political midgets throw mud on the memory of heroes – 2024-08-16 03:19:12

Political midgets throw mud on the memory of heroes – 2024-08-16 03:19:12

/ world today news/ We will not allow the historical truth to be replaced by the selfish ambitions of political one-dayers. This was said by the chairman of the General Assembly of the BSP – Sofia Kaloyan Pargov at Bratska Mogila, where September 9 was celebrated, quoted by “Focus”.

Every year on September 9, we gather to celebrate the victory over Hitler-fascism in Bulgaria and the return of our homeland to the family of European democratic forces. Today we are celebrating 73 years since that memorable September day, when obscurantism and the brown plague were put an end to in our country, in order to set the stage for the revival and modernization of free Bulgaria, of the social and just state in the second half of the 20th century, said Kaloyan Pargov.

We gather here, on Bratska Mogila, to pay tribute to the tens of thousands of sons and daughters of Bulgaria who died in the fight against fascism. We are gathering to honor the heroes of our national anti-fascist resistance, he added.

The leader of the capital’s socialists commented that the BSP, as the successor of the Communist Party, which led the fight against the devaluation of human life and the gross trampling of human values, has proven that the Bulgarian people have the strength and will to oppose any dark regime. “The BSP stood at the head of a struggle in which it united Bulgarians from different political parties, with different beliefs and biases in the name of national goals and ideals – the victory over fascism in Bulgaria. In the period 1941-1944, without trial or sentence, they were thrown into prisons and thousands of Bulgarians were killed just because they dared to say “no” to state terrorism, that they demanded freedom for the people and became part of the global struggle against fascism. This is an immortal contribution of our native anti-fascism, which washed away the stain stuck on our country from the then rulers of the government of Prof. Bogdan Filov, who turned Bulgaria into a satellite of the Third Reich,” stressed Kaloyan Pargov.

He pointed out that this is why the ugly attempts over the past quarter of a century to deny the date of September 9 are so unacceptable. In his words, the nonsense with the memory of the dead anti-fascists, the destruction of their monuments and memorial plaques, the blasphemous inscriptions written on the mass graves is shameful. “Today in our country, in the media and universities, in various public circles, the voices are increasingly persistently heard that there was never fascism in Bulgaria and therefore there was no anti-fascism either. Under such a pretext, the anti-fascists, including the genius poet Nikola Vaptsarov , are treated as political adventurers and terrorists. It is paradoxical that this impermissible reactionary behavior is tolerated by the dominant system of Bulgarian and world neoliberalism. That in its desire for total domination, it increasingly actively and deliberately uses the arsenal of fascism Pargov said.

Therefore, today we must decisively say “No!” of neo-fascism in Europe and in the world. We must firmly say “No!” and the factors – external and internal, which made Bulgaria the poorest and most backward country in the European Union, said Pargov.

Yesterday, the rulers once again tried to distort the historical truth. Again we witnessed the attempts of the political midgets to throw mud and dirt on the memory of the heroes. This is nothing new. And it cannot erase the epochal significance of September 9, he added.

Pargov announced that in Sofia BSP will work to restore the monuments, the memorial plaques of thousands of partisans and partisans who were killed without trial and sentence. “And we will do everything in our power to restore the truth about the Bulgarian anti-fascist movement. We from “BSP for Bulgaria” will continue to defend the historical truth, namely – that the participants in the anti-fascist struggle in Bulgaria are veterans of the Second World War. Mrs. and gentlemen, comrades, happy freedom day. Happy victory over fascism in Bulgaria,” said Kaloyan Pargov.

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