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Political Earthquake in South Tyrol: Historic Lows for SVP and Collapse of League

Bolzano – In Alto Adige the provincial elections do not trigger a catastrophe, but a violent political earthquake does. The most pessimistic polls regarding the invoked stability of South Tyrol were confirmed in the polls. The SVP was reduced to historic lows, the League collapsed, the entire outgoing provincial government was rejected and a difficult new majority was formed. Exploit for the German-speaking right and for anti-immigrant and anti-vax lists, FdI’s overtaking of the Northern League, doubled: for the first time since the post-war period the heirs of the MSI become the first Italian-speaking party in South Tyrol: in Bolzano they come close to 20%. The affirmation of the right-wing parties of both linguistic groups also corresponds to good results for the inter-ethnic lists of Team K and the Greens: even without Italian-speaking elected representatives, together they are running, with a Democratic Party that holds and confirms a seat, to be a progressive alternative to the obligatory “historical compromise” which indicates an SVP pact with the German right of the Freiheitlichen and with the conservative defector SVP, Thomas Widmanndeclared enemy of the president Arno Kompatscher.

Personal defeat also for the governor, king of preferences but down by almost 10%: the votes of the Volkspartei secretary halved, Philipp Achammer, close to the terminus. M5S and FI almost eliminated and out of the council: orphans of Berlusconi, the Forzisti at the next European elections threaten that they will no longer be able to guarantee the pro-EU seat in Brussels to the SVP parliamentarian. Exploit instead for the former leader of the Schuetzen, Juergen Wirth Anderlan, which thanks to its xenophobic slogans reaches almost 6%. In South Tyrol, with a Volkspartei at 34.5% and 13 councilors out of 35, the new council is starting off decidedly uphill. The three Italian councilors of Fdi and Lega are not enough to reach a majority. The first choice, strongly shifted to the right, leads to the expansion of the coalition to the conservative pan-Antiroleans of the Freiheitlichen. Such a narrow majority, of just one seat, would lead to the former councilor also being involved Widmann, however responsible for the internal fracture Svp. The second option sees an SVP unbalanced to the right veering instead towards progressive positions, involving the inter-ethnic groups of Verdi and Team K of Paul Koellensperger, however decreasing compared to 2018: it is necessary, in this case, to involve at least one Italian-speaking elected representative. For the first time in eighty years in the province of Bolzano the polls do not result in a clear and robust majority, the indication of a stable government. Fragmentation and rejection of the outgoing SVP-Lega council, with the collapse of Salvini and the success of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party promise to complicate the launch of the new provincial government. “We are ready – he says Alessandro Urzì, leader of FdI in the region – to govern together with the SVP. The votes confirm that there can no longer be ethnic or linguistic prejudices. Fratelli d’Italia at this point wants to participate in the government of autonomy. I tell the SVP to have faith and to think about stability, about the best opportunities for Alto Adige, in dialogue with Rome and Trento”.

In Trentino the counting of votes is underway. According to initial data, the outgoing president of the center-right, the Northern League member Maurizio Fugatti, got the green light for an encore. The first projections give his coalition over 49%, ten points more than the challenger of the united centre-left, stuck below 40%. TO Francesco Valduga the comeback was therefore not successful despite the growth of recent weeks and the strong support of the PD secretary, Elly Schlein. An internal challenge to the right is also looming in the province of Trento. At the latest elections, for the first time, FdI became the leading party, while the League collapsed from 27.1% in 2018 to 7.8%. If the trend is confirmed, as in Alto Adige, Fugatti’s power will be reduced and the meloniana Francesca Gerosa he will get a heavy vice presidency. The strong abstentionism, particularly in the cities, and the divisions in the autonomist camp were decisive. Three surprises, in a Trentino that is increasingly “Po Valley” and moved to the right, the lower-than-expected consensus received by the historic leader of the local Carroccio, Sergio Divina: the former Salvini senator broke with the League and presented himself with his own list. With the centre-right supporting Fugatti well above the 40% threshold, the majority bonus also comes into play, which ensures 21 seats out of 35 in the provincial council.

Voting will take place until 3pm today Lombardy for the Senate by-elections in the Monza-Brianza constituencyvacant after the death of Silvio Berlusconi. None of the three candidates with the greatest chance of success is the radical champion of civil rights Marco Cappato for the centre-left and M5S, the CEO of Monza Calcio, a friend and brother of the Cavaliere Adriano Gallianithe mayor of Taormana Cateno De Luca, can vote as they are not residents of the Municipality. We are at polling station number 4 in Arcore the blue deputy presented instead Marta Fascina, former partner of Berlusconi, resident in Villa San Martino, the historic home of the founder of FI which is located a few hundred meters from the electoral section. Even today we will know the name of new mayor of Foggia, or who among the candidates will compete in the runoff. Five running in the Apulian capital, at the polls together with seven other centers after almost two years of commissionership due to mafia infiltration: the centre-left united with Foggia supports Maria Aida Bishopthe center-right Raffaele Di Mauro.

2023-10-23 13:05:40

#Provincial #elections #Alto #Adige #SVP #defeated #FdI #asks #govern #German #rightwingers #Vax #advancing #Fugatti #confirms #Trentino

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