The members of the Permanent Consultative Framework (CPC) met for their 9e meeting, Friday, March 10, 2023, at the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Territorial Development. On the agenda of this meeting, two discussion panels on human rights reforms and investment policy in Togo. These two panels were presented by Ministers Christian Trimua, in charge of Human Rights, and Kayi Mivedor of Investment Promotion. The meeting was chaired by CPC Chairman, Me Yawovi Pacôme Adjourouvi, in the presence of Minister of State, Payadowa Boukpessi, CPC General Rapporteur.
A view of politicians at the session
In Togo, many efforts have been made in terms of fundamental freedoms, the foundation of democracy and also primarily in the area of investment promotion. The various actions that have enabled Togo to have these achievements were explained to the political actors gathered last Friday in Lomé, in their 9e session of the Permanent Consultative Framework (CPC).
The panelists of the day, the Minister of Human Rights, Citizenship Training and Relations with the Institutions of the Republic, Mr. Christian Trimua and his colleague in charge of Investment Promotion, Mrs. Kayi Mivedor, have seized the opportunity to present to the actors present the various reforms carried out in their respective departments.

Some of the members of political parties.
At the end of the meeting, the president of the CPC, Me Yawovi Pacôme Adjourouvi, first explained that the permanent consultation framework is a space set up to allow all political actors of all tendencies to come and discuss political problems. and social issues that affect the Togolese nation. “During the meeting, we hoped that the political actors who are members of the CPC could take the opportunity to ask all the questions relating to the reforms in terms of human rights and investments in Togo. The meeting therefore allowed Ministers Trimua and Mivédor to enlighten us on the actions of the State in these two areas. “, noted Me Adjourouvi.
An evolution of the institutional normative framework and in terms of investment
According to him, we can remember that today in Togo, the normative and institutional framework in terms of human rights and investments, has evolved a lot. Indeed, in the field of human rights, notable progress has been observed in the Personal and Family Code, in terms of judicial organization, criminal justice or even in the use of force. . He also cited the right to education which allows all children to go to school, free of charge, from primary to final year, the right to work which is a reality, the right to demonstrate which has some restrictions , for the sole purpose of protecting citizens. ” You know, for example, that in terms of demonstrations, in these times, we cannot expose ourselves to danger. The Minister explained to us why certain restrictions are observed and that this is not a harsh policy towards political parties, but quite simply, it is for the preservation of security, peace and social harmony “, he explained.

Me Pacôme Adjourouvi giving an update on the meeting to the press.
The same is true in the investment promotion sector. According to Me Adjourouvi, the country currently has a very attractive Investment Code which aims to promote, facilitate and protect sustainable and responsible investment. This, in order to support the policy of employment and income-generating activities for populations, in general and in particular for youth, women and people with disabilities. He indicated that the government, for a long time already, developed an incentive policy for investments. As an example, he cited the facilitations and speed in the administrative procedures for the creation of businesses. He also noted the security environment enjoyed by Togo. ” There is a business climate that is developed by all the cells put in place, both at the Presidency of the Republic and at the Ministry of Investments. We must also not forget the Autonomous Port of Lomé which is a very attractive platform for investors. Because this port is the only deep water port that can accommodate the latest generation ships. Alongside this, we must note the security that reigns in our well-supervised waters “, noted the president of the CPC.
In addition, Me Adjourouvi specified that the Investment Code of Togo is a very liberal Code which allows investors to come and settle in the country. ” I think that the framework will be a lasting part of this policy of openness and dialogue. From my point of view, if we want a peaceful country, the rulers and those who are in the opposition should be able to meet, talk to each other and leave on a minimum of consensus which allows everyone to have a feeling of participating to the harmonious development of the country. In the days to come, we intend to invite other members of the government or even of civil society to come and discuss with us other aspects of socio-political life. », a conclu Me Adjourouvi.