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Polish Referendum on EU Migrant Reception Quotas: What You Need to Know

Referendum participants will be asked whether they “support the admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa under the mandatory admission mechanism imposed by the European bureaucracy,” Moravecki said in a video call.

The referendum will be held on the same day as parliamentary elections in Poland.

Moraveckis announced that such a referendum was planned already in mid-June.

Poland’s ruling conservative party “Law and Justice” (PiS), represented by Morawiecki. opposes the migrant reception quotas planned by the EU.

The opposition accuses PiS that with this and several other referendums expected on election day, the party intends to mobilize its voters to come to the polling stations.

It has already been reported that the ministers of interior affairs of the EU countries supported a comprehensive reform of the asylum system by a qualified majority on June 8. It stipulates that countries that refuse to accept migrants must provide assistance to the bloc in the form of financial support, paying 20,000 euros per person.

2023-08-13 09:49:35
#Poland #hold #referendum #asylum #policy #reform #October

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