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Polish Prime Minister Warns Europe is in ‘Pre-War Era’ as Russian Attacks on Ukraine Continue

Europe in “Pre-War Era” Says Polish PM Tusk

Europe in “Pre-War Era” Warns Polish Prime Minister Tusk

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Polish Prime Minister Warns of European Security Threat

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has issued a grave warning that Europe is on the precipice of a “pre-war era” as tensions escalate between Ukraine and Russia. He emphasized that the entire continent’s well-being lies in Ukraine not being defeated by Russia.

Mr. Tusk made this statement in the wake of Russia’s massive attack on Ukraine’s energy system, which occurred just a few days ago. He expressed concern that war is no longer a mere concept of the past, but a grim reality that has been ongoing for over two years.

Ukraine’s Energy System Attacked

Russia’s recent assault on Ukraine’s energy system adds a further dimension of urgency to the situation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has referred to the attack as “missile terror,” warning that further attacks on hydro-electric power plants may lead to a major environmental disaster.

While Russian President Vladimir Putin denies any aggressive intentions towards NATO countries like Poland, he cautioned that if Ukraine uses Western-supplied F-16 warplanes, they will become “legitimate targets” regardless of their location.

Europe Must Prepare for War

Mr. Tusk appealed for urgent military aid for Ukraine, stressing that the next two years will be crucial in deciding the outcome of the war. In light of this, he urged European leaders to bolster their defense capabilities and increase military spending, making Europe more self-sufficient militarily.

During his first interview with European media, Mr. Tusk emphasized that the time had come to mentally prepare for the arrival of a new era, the “pre-war era.” He expressed his optimism that European leaders are finally recognizing the potential threat posed by Russia and the need for a revolution in the continent’s defense mentality.

European Security Concerns

European nations, particularly Poland and the Baltic states, have been increasingly vocal in expressing their worry that if Russia is allowed to continue its aggression in Ukraine without facing consequences, no country will be safe from potential invasion, occupation, and annexation. Baltic leaders, such as Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, assert that Moscow’s promises cannot be trusted.

While Russia’s President Putin claims he has no plans to attack a NATO country, Baltic leaders remain highly cautious. They recall how, prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov disregarded Western warnings as “propaganda” and “hyperbole.”


In this critical moment, as tensions rise between Ukraine and Russia, European leaders must confront the realities of the potential “pre-war era.” The warnings issued by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk serve as a wake-up call for the continent’s leaders, urging them to fortify defense capabilities, unite as allies, and commit to the security and prosperity of the European continent.

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