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Polish fighters for Ukraine. Blinken says ‘very actively’ working on issue – Ukrainian news, Politics


The United States is actively discussing with Poland how to compensate for the gap in its defenses if Warsaw decides to transfer its Soviet-style fighter jets to Ukraine to repel a full-scale Russian invasion. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stated this at a press conference in Moldova, answering a question from a journalist.

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The White House said earlier that Washington discusses with Warsaw the possibility of transferring the MiG-29 of the Polish Air Force to the needs of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – this technique is familiar to Ukrainians and there is no need to retrain pilots for it: you can immediately take it and beat the enemy. Such a US-Poland-Ukraine deal would require the approval of the White House and Congress.

“We are now actively considering the issue of aircraft that Poland could transfer to Ukraine, and we are thinking about how we can compensate Poland for this if it decides to transfer the aircraft,” Blinken said.

The head of the US State Department said that he could not talk about any specific deadlines for this part, but added that this topic was being worked out “very, very actively.”

According to the secretary of state, he and members of the government constantly communicate with the Ukrainian authorities in order to cover the needs for defense and other assistance on an almost “minute by minute” basis.

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Eugene Pilipenko

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