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Polish Deal 2022. You will receive this money in March! Here is the salary calculator!

The Polish Order is a series of tax changes that will more or less translate into the salaries of many Poles. However, most taxpayers can count on the changes to positively affect their wages. How much exactly? We checked it with the help of a special salary calculator prepared by the government. We present the calculations in the gallery!

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Tax changes to be introduced by the Polish Order include tax-free amount up to 30,000 PLN gross, increase of the 32% tax threshold from 85 thousand. up to 120 thousand PLN, relief for the middle class. Who will benefit most from the changes in the Polish Order?

According to independent economists, the middle class will benefit the most in the Polish Lada, and to a lesser extent the poorest. In turn, the richest have to reckon with losses. Generally, people earning up to 5,000 per month can count on a more or less significant salary increase. PLN gross. In other cases, the increase will be in the order of a dozen or a few zlotys or equal to zero.

The Polish Order will translate into an increase in salaries. By how much exactly will wages increase? We present the calculations in the gallery below! They were created on the basis of the official one, made available by the government calculator salaries. We assumed that the employee is not a participant in the PPK and works at the place of residence.

See the gallery(19 photos)

Almost 18 million Poles are expected to benefit from the tax changes of the Polish Deal – the least earning, families with children and retirees.

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