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Polio Outbreaks and Prevention: Everything You Need to Know

Currently, the polio outbreak situation has begun to spread again in many countries. From the past where more than 99% of cases have been successfully eradicated, the latest World Health Organization (WHO) data for 2021-2022 has reported that outbreaks of the WPV1 strain of poliovirus have been found in Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, while in 2022 it has been reported that There is an outbreak of mutated vaccine strain poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) in Indonesia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Israel, which must be monitored for possible spread to ASEAN and Thailand.

What causes polio?

Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Thawee Chotipitayasunon President of the Influenza Education Foundation and committee member of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand Provided information at the World Immunization Day 2023 (or World Immunization Day 2023) that ‘polio disease’ or ‘atrophied limb paralysis’ is caused by the polio virus (Poliovirus) that destroys the nervous system. Resulting in paralysis, disability, difficulty breathing, and eventually death. The symptoms of polio virus infection vary greatly. More than 95 percent will not have any symptoms, 1-2 percent will show only mild symptoms. or symptoms similar to the common cold, while 1-2 percent will have meningitis symptoms such as

  • severe headache
  • Pain in the nape of the neck
  • wordlessly
  • tired
  • numb

But you can still recover normally. While the last group of patients is the most severe, it can be found in about 1 in 500-1,000 people who are infected with the polio virus. There will be symptoms of muscle weakness. Acute and permanent paralysis occurs. Unable to return to normal

Is polio contagious?

Polio is more common in children than adults. And it is often found in children under 5 years of age. The infection can be easily transmitted from one person to another. If the infected person does not have immunity yet It can be transmitted by ingestion or inhalation of germs into the body. The germs come out in throat secretions when the patient coughs or sneezes. or comes out with feces and enters the body of others through the mouth It then spreads to others through swallowing germs that are stuck in the throat from breathing or from swallowing water. or food contaminated with polio virus

Polio has no cure and can cause paralysis and atrophy of the limbs. The best protection is to vaccinate children against polio.

After the polio virus enters the body of a person who does not have immunity The virus multiplies in the throat and intestines, and within 2-3 days it spreads to the lymph nodes in the throat, tonsils, and intestines. and enters the bloodstream causing the patient to have a fever A small portion of the virus will pass directly from the bloodstream into the spinal cord and brain. or some may pass through the spinal cord through nerves. And if the virus has entered the spinal cord The infection then destroys the motor neurons that control various muscle functions. Both smooth muscles (It is a muscle of an internal organ that can work on its own without being under the control of the brain, such as the heart muscle. muscles of the intestine and skeletal muscles (Muscles of the arms and legs) causing these muscles to become weak. or eventually paralysis occurs

Polio is incurable but can be prevented with a vaccine.

Associate Professor (Special) Dr. Thawee emphasized that polio is a disease that has no cure. But it can be prevented by vaccination. This is a basic and essential vaccine that every child should receive. Parents should pay attention to taking their children to receive the polio vaccine according to the specified program. There are two types of polio vaccine: an oral type (Oral Polio Vaccine: OPV), which is a live vaccine, and an injection type (Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine: IPV), which is a killed vaccine.

The Ministry of Public Health has provided policy and clarification of the collaborative project to drive polio eradication in line with international commitments. By piloting the polio vaccine formula 2 IPV + 3 OPV to Provincial Public Health Offices and related agencies, most recently the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. Has provided policies and clarified cooperation projects to drive polio eradication in line with international commitments. By piloting the polio vaccine, formula 2 IPV + 3 OPV, to provincial public health offices and related agencies across the country. Effective from 1 July 2023 as follows:

1. Two doses of the injectable polio vaccine (IPV) are recommended when children are 2 months and 4 months old.

Injectable polio vaccine It’s a killed vaccine. Immunity cannot be created immediately after injection. But it can cover all strains 1, 2, 3, especially the CvdPV2 strain which is still contaminating the environment. In addition, the injected vaccine does not cause VAPP (Vaccine – associated paralytic polio), or weakness caused by infection with the polio virus from the oral vaccine. which is a condition that is rarely found But it affects the quality of life of children in the long run. The incidence rate is 1 per 900,000 people who receive the first OPV vaccine and decreases 25 times with subsequent OPV vaccinations. Such weakness does not occur in people who receive the polio vaccine. Injection type

2. Give oral or injectable polio vaccine (OPV) 3 times at age 6 months, 18 months, and 4 years.

Oral polio vaccine It is a live attenuated vaccine. It consists of strains 1 and 3, mimicking natural infection. Causes the body to create local immunity on the throat and intestinal mucosa quickly and for a long time.

Because both types of polio vaccine can stimulate good immunity. and is highly effective in preventing polio It is predicted that in the next 10-15 years, the use of the oral polio vaccine may be discontinued. However, the edible type may be used as a carpet spray in the event of an outbreak of the polio virus.

Even though currently Thailand has not had a polio case for a long time. But the cVDPV2 strain of polio still contaminates the environment of neighboring Thailand. Therefore, caution should be taken to avoid exposure to polio. By maintaining strict hygiene It is recommended that all Thai children must receive the polio vaccine according to the vaccination schedule set out according to the formula 2 IPV + 3 OPV throughout the country, including those who have not received the injectable vaccine. or still not immune to the cVDPV2 strain because if vaccination coverage in vaccine-preventable diseases is lower than the specified threshold It may cause the disease to come back and spread again.

2023-12-19 07:32:22

#Doctors #warn #polio #spread #cure #prevented #vaccine

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