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Polio Outbreak in Pamekasan: Health Department Monitors Toddler’s Acute Paralysis

PAMEKASAN, KOMPAS.com – The Pamekasan Regency Health Service (Dinkes), East Java, is monitoring the development of a toddler from Pamekasan City District who is suffering from acute paralysis due to the polio virus.

This case was first discovered on December 4 2023 when the toddler was being treated at Smart Pamekasan Hospital.

The condition of the toddler who contracted polio was declared positive on December 22 2024.

Even though the toddler was previously active, he still often fell when standing. In fact, I even experienced shortness of breath.

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The toddler’s parents still had time to take their child to a massage therapist. However, nothing came of it.

Head of the Pamekasan Health Office, Ahmad Syaifuddin, said that the polio case had been followed up by carrying out epidemiological investigations on 30 children who lived around children who had polio.

“The Health Department responded by conducting a survey in 200 houses inhabited by 30 children as a follow-up to the polio outbreak,” said Syaifuddin, when contacted via cell phone, Friday (5/1/2024).

Syaifuddin added that apart from conducting surveys, the Health Department had taken fecal specimens from the children for examination at the Surabaya Health Laboratory Center (BBLK).

“God willing, the laboratory test results will be known on Monday because the specimens were sent on December 22 2023,” added Syaifuddin.

This man, who is also the former Head of the Pamekasan Regency Nahdlatul Ulama Health Institute, revealed that the Health Office is currently preparing an outbreak response immunization (ORI) for 103,666 children aged 0 to 7 years throughout Pamekasan. This activity was carried out in 2 stages.

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“The first stage of ORI is on January 15, followed by the second stage of ORI on February 15 2024. This program is expected to increase children’s immunity from various types of diseases,” he said.

Syaifuddin said that environmental cleanliness factors also support the transmission of the polio virus.

As experienced by the family of the toddler victim, the sanitary conditions around the house were poor.

“Immunization of toddlers who contract polio is actually complete. However, due to lack of nutrition and poor sanitation, it triggers transmission of the virus,” he said.

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2024-01-06 11:51:00
#Pamekasan #Polio #Outbreak #Children #Examined #Kompas.com

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