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Polio Outbreak in Indonesia: Expert’s Response and Vaccination Recommendations


Indonesia was declared polio-free in 2014. However, the virus still exists. The proof is that by the end of 2023 there will be two children in East Java, specifically on Madura Island, and one child in Central Java who will be exposed to polio. UM Surabaya Health Expert Dede Nasrullah responded widely to this matter.

Dede, who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UM Surabaya, explained that polio immunization is a complete basic mandatory immunization for children. Indonesia has high immunization coverage, but why an outbreak occurs means there needs to be an evaluation because if an outbreak occurs the immunization coverage will definitely be low.

“If polio immunization coverage is met, then the cases will be controlled in one area. “The solution to decide on the outbreak is Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI) by administering mass polio to all vulnerable groups,” said Dede Thursday (11/1/24)

Dede explained, regarding how immunization is given, polio immunization consists of 2 types, namely OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) and IPV (Injection Polio Vaccine), OPV is given orally or dripped into the mouth starting from babies aged 0 months to 4 months while IPV is Immunization is given by injection in the upper arm or thigh which is given in stages.

“The protective effectiveness of the IPV polio vaccine is up to 99%-100% when given in 3 doses. “This polio vaccine contains a weakened virus so that it will form a memory in the child’s immune cells,” he added.

According to him, if a child is seriously ill, such as repeated vomiting or diarrhea and appears completely inactive, polio immunization can be postponed until the child is completely recovered.

Apart from that, vaccinations can usually still be carried out if the child is only mildly ill, such as a cold and mild fever, especially if he can still eat and drink and appears active. However, it is still best to consult a doctor to find out more about whether the child’s condition allows for polio immunization

“Apart from children, polio immunization for adults also needs to be carried out, especially for anyone who is at high risk of being infected with polio,” he concluded.

2024-01-11 03:33:09
#Polio #Cases #Surabaya #Expert #Message #Muhammadiyah #University #Surabaya #UMSurabaya

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