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Policy: Telesup asks for the return of more than S / 300 thousand seized in a vehicle of

The Judicial Branch is evaluating a request from the Telesup University to return more than S / 300 thousand that were seized in a suitcase inside the home of José Luna Gálvez in October last year, as part of a diligence raid carried out on various properties to search and secure evidence and money related to the investigation of money laundering against Luis Castañeda Lossio and others.

In a hearing held this morning by the First National Criminal Appeals Chamber chaired by Judge Ramiro Salinas, Telesup’s legal defense assured that the prosecution has not found evidence that would link the seized money to alleged criminal acts that could be attribute to Luna Gálvez.

On October 16, 2019, in the diligence of the premises linked to Telesup, a total of 302,802 soles and 34,139 dollars inside a suitcase in the car that, according to the Public Ministry, was owned by Luna Gálvez, inside a building that, although owned by Telesup, was used as a home by both José Luna Gálvez and his son, José Luna Morales (now a congressman of Podemos Peru).

“Telesup University is not being investigated in terms of having been incorporated as a legal entity to date. Nor in the imputation has there been an affirmation that the money laundering crimes in 2014 have continued to generate profits or that any have been in the hands of the Telesup company to date. […] There is no relationship from the accusation indicated by the prosecution […] with the money found “said the university’s lawyer, Renzo Riega.

Money was owned by Luna Gálvez

In turn, prosecutor Hernán Mendoza, from the Lava Jato special team, recalled that José Luna Gálvez is being investigated for alleged money laundering since, as Secretary General of National Solidarity, he would have been one of those who received alleged illegal contributions from Odebrecht and OAS to the 2014 campaign of Luis Castañeda Lossio.

“The seizure at the home of José León Luna Gálvez was to register goods or information relevant to the investigation (including) cash. This is expressly stated in the judicial resolution of October 16 “, said the prosecutor, after remembering that all the money was in a Luna Gálvez car.

Likewise, it pointed out that the property where the money was found is neither a subsidiary, nor a subsidiary, nor a place that has offices or classrooms of Telesup, but is the place of residence of José Luna Gálvez, with which he said that It was not possible to ensure that the money was not related to the allegedly illicit funds that he would have received in 2014 for the Castañeda Lossio campaign.

Telesup’s legal defense, in response, said that the money was found in the suitcase when it was to be delivered to José Luna Morales, then general manager of the university and that, although this could be an indication of an informality, it could not be considered as an alleged crime.

“This denotes an informality, the method of collecting and transferring money. It is true. There is no formal protocol, but the defense considers that this cannot be considered an alleged crime, the fact that an informal transfer of money is made “, he concluded.

The judges of the appeals chamber concluded the hearing and left their decision to vote.

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