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Police to Search River Thames for Body of Clapham Chemical Attack Suspect

Police to Search River Thames for Clapham Chemical Attack Suspect

10 February 2024, 02:43 GMT

Article by Unknown Author

London, UK – Authorities have announced plans to search the River Thames for the body of a suspect linked to the Clapham chemical attack. The suspect, identified as Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, is believed to have gone into the water near Chelsea Bridge in west London, according to the Metropolitan Police.

After pacing and leaning over the bridge, Ezedi disappeared from view, as captured by CCTV footage. The 35-year-old is suspected of dousing a mother and her daughters with a harmful alkaline substance on the night of January 31. Ezedi was last spotted on Chelsea Bridge at 23:27 GMT, four hours after the attack, and he never left the bridge area.

At a recent briefing, the Metropolitan Police revealed their plans to search the Thames for Ezedi’s body. Given the time of year and the hazardous conditions of the river, officers cautioned that the body may never surface. Nonetheless, the search will be conducted at low tide, involving the Marine Policing Unit.

Suspect Believed to Have Entered the Water

During the briefing, Cmdr Jon Savell of the Metropolitan Police asserted that based on extensive CCTV analysis, Ezedi was most likely to have entered the water after the Clapham attack. “We have thoroughly reviewed all available cameras and angles, including footage from buses crossing the bridge at the time. There is no sighting of him leaving the bridge,” Savell stated.

A marine support unit will lead the search in the area where Ezedi was last seen. Cmdr Savell acknowledged that it could take considerable time for the body to surface, if at all. The police have made efforts to inform a member of Ezedi’s family about the search outcome.

Det Supt Rick Sewart, who also addressed the reporters, emphasized that it was highly likely for Ezedi to have suffered a fatal outcome if he had entered the water. The police hypostasized that Ezedi had received assistance from others in evading capture.

Ezedi, who hails from Afghanistan, arrived in the UK in 2016. Despite unsuccessful attempts at claiming asylum, he managed to remain in the country by claiming to have converted to Christianity. Currently, he is wanted by the authorities for suspicion of attempted murder involving the chemical attack in Lesser Avenue, Clapham.

The injured woman, who was in a previous relationship with Ezedi, remains in the hospital. Medical experts express concerns about the potential loss of one eye. Both of her children, aged three and eight, have been discharged from the hospital. Ezedi, who is not the father of the children, sustained severe facial injuries during the attack.

Investigation and Search Continues

The police have been conducting a search for over a week, with recent raids in the Newcastle area linked to the suspect. Ezedi was convicted of two sexual offenses in 2018 but was permitted to remain in the UK as the crimes did not reach the threshold for deportation.

This ongoing operation highlights the urgency of locating Ezedi and bringing him to justice. The police have been actively targeting individuals who may have assisted him in evading arrest. As the search of the River Thames commences, authorities hope to find conclusive evidence that will help conclude their investigation.

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