Home » today » News » Police ticker for Freiburg, 17 October 2022: 1st follow-up report on: Emmendingen: criminal arrest after car robbery and break-in

Police ticker for Freiburg, 17 October 2022: 1st follow-up report on: Emmendingen: criminal arrest after car robbery and break-in

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1. Follow-up message to: Emmendingen: Criminal arrest after car robbery and break-in

Freiburg (ots) –

Follow-up message:

It was learned through informants that witnesses to the incident are said to have made video recordings. He is asked to make the videos available to the criminal police for evidence purposes. Contact at 0761 / 882-2880


Original message:

Emmendingen: A 21-year-old suspect who was already known to the police was arrested in Emmendingen early Friday morning. According to the current state of the investigation, on October 14, 2022 around 00:10 at the central station in Freiburg he boarded a regional express bound for Karlsruhe. On the train, the defendant allegedly molested a male person and then, threatening to use force, demanded the delivery of his cell phone. A physical altercation ensued.

The defendant then left the train in Emmendingen, where shortly thereafter he broke into a toy machine on Karl-Friedrich-Strasse and withdrew an unknown amount of money. A patrol from the Emmendingen police station managed to provisionally arrest the suspect in the immediate vicinity.

At the request of the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office, the Emmendingen district court ordered remand. The Freiburg Criminal Police is conducting further investigations.


Media inquiries please contact:

Friborg Police Headquarters Press Office Thomas Spisla Phone: 0761/882 [email protected]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PolizeiFRFacebook: https://facebook.com/PolizeiFreiburgHomepage: http://www.polizei-bw.de/

Original content from: Police Headquarters of Friborg, broadcast by news aktuell
This report was sent on October 17, 2022 at 10:14 am by the police headquarters in Freiburg.

Criminal statistics on home burglaries in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district

According to the police crime statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), in the district Breisgau-Upper Black Forest in the year 2020 after all 109 offenses recorded in connection with home burglary, while 47.7% of cases were attempted crimes. the clearance rate was entered in 2020 19.3%. Among the 27 suspects were 4 women and 23 men. 70.4% of the people are suspected of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 years old 4
21 bis 25 1
25 bis 30 7
30 bis 40 8
40 bis 50 6
50 bis 60 0
over 60 1

For the year 2019, BKA police crime statistics announced 268 burglary cases recorded in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district, the clean-up rate here was 17.5%.

Criminal statistics on crimes in the category of apartment robberies in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district

2020 were determined by the Police Criminal Statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district 2 offenses in the apartment robbery category registered. the clearance rate was attached here 50%. In 0% of cases it was an attempted crime. between 2 suspects in all they were 2 men and 0 women. 100% of people are suspected of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 years old 0
21 bis 25 1
25 bis 30 0
30 bis 40 1
40 bis 50 0
50 bis 60 0
over 60 0

For the year 2019 are the crime statistics of the BKA police 1 recorded cases of robbery known in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district clearance rate was attached here 100%.

+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data from blue traffic light report of the BKA press and criminal statistics portal. Original content from: “Notification Provider”, broadcast by news aktuell: To the press portal report. To inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++

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