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Police: There are still electric scooter drivers who need to think about skills – Traffic

On a day-to-day basis, national police are increasingly finding that electric scooters find themselves in emergency situations, possibly due to ignorance or non-compliance with safety regulations. By June 7 this year, the State Police has recorded a total of 52 road traffic accidents involving drivers of electric scooters. 36 people have been injured in these accidents.

On 11 May this year, the government approved amendments to the Road Traffic Regulations, which regulate electric scooters, but in practice it can be observed that there are some road users who do not comply with these regulations, as well as do not take care of their safety when driving on scooters. Therefore, in order to raise the awareness of the drivers of these vehicles about the new rules and to encourage them to take more active care of themselves and their surroundings, the State Police will conduct intensified inspections for these road users from 9 to 20 June this year. Also, during the participation in electric traffic on electric scooters, not only the State Police, but also Ministry of the Interior, CSDD, The Ministry of Transport and the Latvian Automobile Association (LAMB).

“Every day we can see that more and more road users use electric scooters as their means of transportation. Some of these road users have successfully integrated into the overall traffic flow, but there are still electric scooter drivers who need to think carefully about their driving skills and culture. Analyzing the statistics available to the police, it can be concluded that the majority of road accidents involving electric scooter drivers are due to their own negligence or lack of skills. For example, in 17 of the 52 road accidents recorded, scooters have themselves fallen from a vehicle. This is only the part of accidents for which the police have received information, but there are probably many more cases where road users do not report to the doctors or the police. It only shows that road users need to take special care of their safety, as well as follow the rules so as not to endanger other road users, ”emphasizes Juris Jančevskis, Head of the Traffic Safety Department of the State Police.

Out of the total 52 registered road traffic accidents involving electric scooter drivers, the most occurred in the Riga region. Most of them – 34 accidents – are, unfortunately, with victims. The driver of the electric scooter suffers most often, but there are cases when another road user, such as a pedestrian, is also injured in the collision.

“Traffic and driving habits are changing and more and more people are choosing to use electric scooters, but at the same time there are growing risks to the safety of road users, especially vulnerable pedestrians. Regulation for electric scooters to be safe is in place know but also respect. Anyone who travels on an electric scooter must remember that on the sidewalks an electric scooter is a guest and pedestrians must always be given priority, ”points out Ministry of Transport Parliamentary Secretary Jānis Butāns.

To avoid unpleasant situations and to avoid serious injuries when driving in electric scooters, the driving conditions must be carefully assessed, careful and attentive, and the appropriate speed for your abilities must be chosen, but remember that it must not exceed 25 km / h h. Also, when moving on the sidewalk, the speed must not exceed the speed of pedestrians.

“The number of users of electric scooters has grown rapidly in recent years, but so far there has been no clear regulation on the correct and safe movement of these road users. It is now clearly defined in which category electric scooters fall and what are the rules for moving with them. This is an important step towards achieving maximum mutual understanding and also respect between all road users. With the campaign “Eee! Follow the rules! ” we want to promote public education about the new rules in order to reduce both the number of accidents involving electric scooters and the number of victims as soon as possible, ”emphasizes LAMB Autoklubs President Juris Zvirbulis.

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