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Police take out drone and boats to enforce containment

The Rennes police used boats to carry out containment-related checks in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. – C. Allain / 20 Minutes

  • Important police checks were carried out this Thursday in Rennes to enforce the confinement rules.
  • Law enforcement officials have observed numerous unwarranted exits in recent days, particularly due to the spring weather.
  • The police used a drone to fly over a large park and boats to navigate the Vilaine.

Great sun over Rennes. The birds sing and the cherry trees are in bloom. The air is cool but the weather is ideal for a spring walk. In normal times, the edges of the Vilaine would be crowded with people and the Saint-Martin meadows largely invested by the families of the Breton capital. But the weather is anything but normal and drastic containment measures are in effect here as everywhere else in France to fight against the epidemic of
coronavirus. ” A part of the population
has correctly integrated the rules, but another seems to manage and not understand the danger, “summarizes police commissioner Nathalie Frêche.

This Thursday, his services deployed significant means to control the population. Above the Saint Martin meadows, a huge natural park located in the heart of the city, the criminal investigation department has its drone stolen. With a range of several kilometers, the device can identify walkers who break the law. “The park is prohibited, as is the towpath. We said it a lot yesterday and we did some pedagogy. Today, we are less in pedagogy, “slips a mobilized policeman. On land, bike and foot patrols have increased the number of checks and reminders. And verbalized, when necessary. “We found that a lot of people came to walk in these relaxation areas. The weather is nice, we can understand their desires but there are health rules to respect, ”insists Commissioner Frêche.

“We see that our presence pays”

A little further west of the Breton capital, the CRS were in charge. Not in the air, but on the water this time. With their two boats, the police multiplied the comings and goings on the Vilaine to ensure that the towpaths were not used. The place is generally popular with joggers and cyclists. “The boat is a tool that supports shore teams. We are going faster and further, ”explains Commissioner Christian Ghirlanda, Deputy Regional Director of CRS Ouest. They also multiplied the checks on Wednesday. “Forty in a few hours”. This Thursday, the situation is calmer and most of the people checked are in good standing. Out of 157 checks carried out this Thursday afternoon, only ten resulted in a report. “We see that our presence pays,” says the commissioner.

Relatively spared from the Covid-19 epidemic, Rennes and Brittany expect to see the number of cases rise in the coming days, the “wave” moving from East to West. As of Wednesday evening, just under 600 people were diagnosed with coronavirus. An underestimated figure and which is likely to increase sharply in the coming days.

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