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Police Strategy for the Linz Derby: Avoiding Conflict Between LASK and Blau-Weiß Fans

The fans of LASK and Blau-Weiß came to the stadium from opposite directions. The police had previously planned this: “We will bring the supporters of both clubs to the stadium from different sides in order to avoid conflicts,” said city police commander Karl Pogutter.

Fans on the way to the football game Image: pictureshooting.AT Albert Mikovits

Given the location of the new Blue and White Stadium on the Danube, this wasn’t easy: the Blue and White fans registered a meeting on the north bank of the Danube. From there they moved across the new railway bridge to the stadium. The LASK fans should make a pilgrimage to the venue from the south.

Stumbling block tobacco factory

A possible point of conflict is the tobacco factory, which is located on the route of the LASK supporters to the stadium: there is a regular bar for Blue and White fans. “But we agreed with them that everyone would be gone by midday,” says Pogutter – in time for kick-off at 2:30 p.m.

With this strategy, the police probably want to avoid a repeat of scenes from the end of October: Before a Bundesliga game between Blau-Weiß and Austria Lustenau, there was a mass brawl between 50 people on the Donaulände. One of those involved suffered a concussion, another ended up in the Danube.

Picture gallery: Linz derby: LASK against Blau-Weiß Linz

pictureshooting.AT-20231112-0033 (Photo: Albert Mikovits (pictureshooting.AT)) View image 1/35 gallery

Pogutter sees the police well prepared: “We try to ensure that there are as few opportunities for conflict as possible. If some fans plan a fight in advance at a third location, we don’t find out about it. Then we have to pacify it spontaneously.”


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2023-11-12 12:30:50
#Linz #Derby #Police #ready

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