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Police stopped train: Tuberculosis alarm on the Saarbahn | Regional

Saarbrucken – Police officers in white protective suits and wearing face masks – memories of the darkest hours of Corona were awakened on the Saarbahn…

On Friday evening, the police operation was not about the coronavirus, but about a woman (36) who open tuberculosis According to “Breaking News Saarland”, the woman with the contagious infectious disease was from the Caritas clinic in Saarbrucken fled.

Coughing around with beer in hand

From the Saarbahn train, worried passengers alerted the policebecause the 36-year-old was coughing heavily while wearing a face mask and drinking beer. The police arrived with several commandos, including the specially trained “Operational Unit Flex”, and stopped the Saarbahn train at the St. Johanner Straße stop.

No criminal consequences

Police officers in white protective suits led the sick woman off the train. Under police escort, a German Red Cross ambulance took her to the Winterberg Clinic’s isolation ward. Her “outbreak” will not be prosecuted, a police spokesman said.

Passengers with complaints should report

Affected passengers were informed by police officers on the platform. They should report to the health department for further examinations if necessary.

People with open tuberculosis (formerly known as consumption) release bacteria into their environment, especially when coughing. Pathogens can be inhaled by other people via tiny droplets (aerosols). Whether you actually become infected also depends on how intensive and long the contact with sick people was.

Patients with open tuberculosis must be quarantined for two weeks and take special antibiotics for several months.

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