Case truck stop by content on Jl Sholeh Iskandar, Bogor City, which killed a 14-year-old ABG ended peacefully. The police stopped their investigation of the driver with the initials AR (38), who was previously named a suspect and detained.
“Yes, the investigation process has stopped,” said Head of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit, Kompol Galih Apria, to reporters at his office, Bogor, Wednesday (18/1/2023).
DS (45), the father of ABG who was killed when he was hit by a truck, and the driver with the initials AR (38) met at the Bogor City Police Headquarters. Both parties forgave and reconciled.
“Restorative justice this is win-win solution or between both parties already clear and peaceful,” said Bogor City Police Chief AKBP Bismo Teguh Prakoso to reporters, Wednesday (18/1/2023).
Bismo said both parties accepted the incident killed ABG 14 years old is a disaster. Both parties agreed to settle the traffic accident case amicably.
“The reason is that all parties have understood as a family, they have been compensated, although not 100 percent. The point is that all parties have understood that this is a disaster,” said Bismo.
See also the video ‘For the sake of Content, a Group of Teenagers in Tangerang Blocks a Truck, One Kills’:
Read on the next page: the driver is sent home….