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Police reports for Offenbach, July 16, 2022: Press report from the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse on Saturday, July 16, 2022

Theft in Offenbach currently: What happened today? Read the daily local police reports from your region here on news.de – today with a current blue light report transmitted by the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse.

Press report from the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse on Saturday, July 16th, 2022

Offenbach (ots) –

Offenbach area

19-year-old resident injured in apartment fire – Rodgau

A forgotten pan on the stove was on Friday afternoon, around 5.15 p.m., probably the trigger for a fire on the 15th floor of a high-rise building on Frankfurter Straße in Nieder-Roden. The resident suffered from smoke gas intoxication and was taken to a hospital for treatment Property damage is estimated at 15,000 euros. After the fire brigade ventilated the apartment, it was habitable again.

Main-Kinzig area

Fire in a meadow – Gelnhausen

Early on Saturday morning, around 4:15 a.m., a fallow piece of meadow land below a former quarry in the Meerholz district burned. The fire brigade was able to quickly extinguish the fire with an area of ​​around 500 square meters before it affected adjacent areas. A total of 40 firefighters from Gelnhausen and the police helicopter were deployed. Investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing. The police are asking in this context for information by calling 06051 827-0.

The highway police reports:

No contribution

Offenbach am Main, July 16, 2022, Susanne Röhling, police tour on duty

This report was sent on July 16, 2022, 07:10 a.m. by the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse.

Criminal statistics on home burglary in the district of Frankfurt am Main

According to police crime statistics (PKS) from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), in the district Frankfurt am Main in the year 2020 all in all 1041 crimes recorded in connection with home burglary, with 47.2% of cases being attempted crimes. the clearance rate was included in 2020 10%. Among the 101 suspects were 14 women and 87 men. 60.4% of the persons are suspects of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 10
21 bis 25 4
25 bis 30 15
30 bis 40 42
40 bis 50 17
50 bis 60 11
over 60 2

For the year 2019, the police crime statistics of the BKA announced 1072 cases of burglary in the district of Frankfurt am Main, the clear-up rate here was 11.1%.

Fires and arson in Germany in 2020

According to police records, in Germany in 2020 20,735 cases of arson or causing a fire hazard. According to fire protection statistics, around 200,000 house fires are recorded every year. This means that every two minutes a fire ignites somewhere. Around 600 people die in house fires in Germany every year.

+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data from blue light report of the press portal and criminal statistics of the BKA. Original content from: “Notification provider”, transmitted by news aktuell: To the press portal report. In order to inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++

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