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Police reported almost 100 captured in Cesar in the last week

In the middle of ‘360 Security’ Shock Plan implemented by the National Police, the commander of the Police Department Cesar, Colonel Eduardo Chamorro Pinzónpresented the weekly balance of actions from the Mareigua – El Páramo park, located south of Valledupar.

In the last week between September 24 and 30, a total of 99 capturesof which, 64 were in flagrante delicto and 35 by court order for different crimes, such as extortion, sexual crimes, theft, trafficking, manufacturing or carrying firearms, personal injuries, damage to other people’s property, aggravated domestic violence, and reception.

On the other hand, 8 motorcycles, 1 vehicle, 4 cell phones were recovered; seizure of 200 knives, 15 firearms, 8 traumatic weapons; imposition of 200 summonses for behavior contrary to coexistence, related to the carrying of sharp weapons, consumption of psychoactive substances, participation in street fights and use of cell phones with reported loss or theft.

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Despite the work of the National Police, citizens feel that the city is getting out of hand, since the thefts and the feeling of insecurity They are part of everyday life in the city.


During the last week, operations were carried out that allowed the fall of some criminal gangs such as ‘The Nickeled’ with an impact on the area of ​​the UPC (Universidad Popular del Cesar) in Valledupar; ‘The Rachanchanes’ with incidence in commune 4 of Valledupar; ‘The family’ with incidence in Aguachica and the south of the department; Added to this, there was also the capture of a alleged AGC hitman (Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia) in Tamalameque, among other notable operations.

However, for the commander of the Cesar Police Department, Colonel Eduardo Chamorro Pinzón, the situation is going beyond of common crime, since some social factorstrigger in a problem of criminal actions.

Eduardo Chamorro Pinzón, commander of the Cesar Police Department, from the Mareigua – El Páramo park. Photo: Joaquín Ramírez.

We are not unaware of the insecurity situation, this has been occurring throughout the country. There are factors that proliferate insecurity, let’s talk about the Social conditions, Of the information. We have a big migration problem, many of the criminals are sometimes not from here in this country“, indicated the colonel.

In addition, he pointed out that on a weekly basis the Police carry out, on average, between 70 y 80 captures of criminals who are left at the disposal of the competent authority, but who, after a few months, are released for expiration of termsand they take to the streets again to commit crimes.

Thus, we have had special cases, the case of alias ‘Mono Petra’, the person who had impacted security more than 8 times; another young man with the alias ‘Luisito’ who was also recurring in his criminal actions; We had the case of alias ‘Mono Charles’ who had also been repeating theft; then many times, a single person impacts us in different neighborhoods on many occasions, which generates perception of insecurity“said the commander.

Regarding these cases, Chamorro Pinzón assured that these people are captured, but since they do not have a custodial sentence, they go out again to reoffend despite the work carried out by the public force. He also accepted that the number of personnel it’s not the idealbut they try to offer security to the inhabitants of the municipality and the department.

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Another important problem is microtrafficking that has been plaguing youth. Some people are already sick and feel that they have the need to consume and do not have resources, so they steal to obtain, to be able to have their narcotic. This is an issue that we have been working with the municipal administrations and the departmental government to reach with the work in communities that they contribute to us, to make them better people and better citizens”, he concluded.

By Judicial Editorial THE PYLON

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