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Police Reject Minang Youth Report Regarding Puan’s Speech: I’m Not Bored



Suara.com – Headquarters Criminal Investigation Agency Police rejected the report of a group acting on behalf of the Student Youth Association Minang, Friday (4/9/2020).

This group reports Mrs. Maharani because his words are considered offensive to people Minangkabau. Puan’s words that were considered offensive were when he expressed his hope that West Sumatra would become a province that supports the Pancasila state.

“In conclusion, our report does not meet the elements. The report is not accepted because it does not meet the elements,” said Friday (4/9/2020).

Although the police rejected the report, the group said they were not disappointed. Because, they still have other ways. They plan to file a complaint against Puan – leader PDI Struggle who is also the chairman of the DPR – to the Honorary Court of the Council on Monday or Tuesday next week.

“What is clear is that if I am rejected, I am not tired, there are steps after this we will go to MKD,” he said.

David and his friends had just arrived Criminal Investigation Unit Polri around 14.56 WIB. They wore black T-shirts with the words “West Sumatra PDI-P (Province of the Special Region of Pancasila) Don’t Doubt West Sumatra in Maintaining Pancasila.”

“So we are here to make legal efforts as good citizens we report to Bareskrim,” said David.

They originally wanted to report the woman under Article 310, 311, 27 paragraph 3 of the Law on Electronic Information and Transactions and Article 14, 15 of the Criminal Code Number 1 of 1946.

They brought a number of evidence to substantiate the report, including flash drives containing voice recordings of Puan’s statements, screenshots of her statements in several media.

David emphasized that this legal step was taken to represent the voice of the Minangkabau people.

“There is nothing to do with politics. This is purely a message from my mamak in the village, ‘please bring out our voices that the village is already volatile’,” he said.

The group originally waited for Puan’s direct clarification on this statement. However, up to 1 x 24 hours, no clarification appeared.

“If I apologize to the media, we hope that the Minang nation will once again be a forgiving nation, upholding brotherhood,” he said.

Hoping to support the Pancasila state

Puan’s statement came when he announced the party’s recommendation for the election of West Sumatra governor from his mother’s house, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta.

PDI Perjuangan brings up the Democratic Party cadre Mulyadi as a candidate for governor paired with Ali Mukhni who is currently the regent of Padang Pariaman.

Puan expressed her hope that West Sumatra can become a province that supports the Pancasila state. “Hopefully West Sumatra can become a province that does support the Pancasila state, bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Freedom,” said Puan.

After the statement turned into a hot political issue, PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto explained that Puan’s statement was seated.

“What Ms. Mbak means and as all party cadres remind how Pancasila is buried not only in West Sumatra, but in East Java, throughout the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila should be buried, Ms. Mega is so impressed with West Sumatra, so is Ms. Mbast,” said Hasto in a virtual press conference.

Hasto emphasized that Puan’s statement was not meant to offend West Sumatran people, but to support Pancasila in the context of culture and nationalism.

“So what is meant by the grounding of Pancasila in West Sumatra is more to the aspects of culture, nationalism, as well as touching things in the life of society, nation and state,” he said.

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