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Police President Hamran: I’ll have the office inspected first

The cursed position of police president did not bring happiness to Hamran’s predecessors. Maybe that’s why the new head of the Police Force wants to be extremely vigilant. According to him, he can have the new office thoroughly inspected. “Currently, I also work in the special purpose department. I have the space completely clean and, of course, I will have a view of the presidential space. I’m already working on it, but it hasn’t been fully checked yet. “ said in a discussion session TV JOJ Analysis On the Edge with the proviso that he moves to “Račianska”.

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One of the first priorities of Hamran was to apologize for the failure of the Police Force to the parents of the deceased journalist Ján Kuciak († 27) and his fiancée. “I’ve already made it,” approached. He added that he had already met the family of a poor journalist and talked to them about several things. “We met at a restaurant. On behalf of the Police Force, I apologized to them for the failure that made them such a victim. They lost a son and a daughter. Unfortunately, Ján Kuciak turned to the police with confidence to provide him with protection when he felt threatened. He was not helped and this journalist was murdered. “ Hamran said, saying the case of the poor journalist was considered a memento. “I believe that a similar case should not be repeated in the conditions of the Slovak Republic or anywhere in a democratic country,” he said.

Although the new head of the police admits that it will take him several weeks to find his way around his office, it is clear from his words that the police can expect changes. Hamran indicated in an interview with the portal that it could undergo some form of “reconstruction” in the foreseeable future. aktuality.sk, where he announced that he would have a series of interviews not only with police vice presidents. “I will have serious conversations with them, but the same goes for other officials. Even the ones I count on. Not just those I don’t count on, “ clarified. “I want to hear an opinion from each of them. How they perceive that they have a direct responsibility to make the police work the way they did. In particular, I will ask those officials who had decision-making powers and could influence the direction of the police. “ stated. Hamran also adds that he wants to ask them, for example, “Whether they are not hindered by the fact that trust in the Police Force is on the full tail between the Member States of the European Union”.

On the contrary, Hamran is close to former police president Jaroslav Spišiak. In the TV show JOJ, he also denied the information that his close relationship with him helped him to the position: “I have heard that I also have a relationship with his daughter, but Mr. Spišiak has two sons, and as far as my orientation is concerned, I am clear about that.”

Pictured from the right is Štefan Hamran, the President of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic, who has been temporarily appointed

Pictured from the right is Štefan Hamran, the President of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic, who has been temporarily appointed

Source: TASR

To make matters worse, Hamran was surprised by the idea of ​​strengthening the Police Force through old-new faces. “Perhaps we will try to call back some old experienced police officers who left precisely because they were disgusted by the conditions that were here. We will contact them if they do not want to put their hand to the work and participate in the cleansing process. “ said for aktuality.sk. The name of the former investigator and ex-head of the Office for the Fight against Corruption, Jozef Šátek, was also mentioned in the mentioned interview. We contacted him with questions, but he did not answer by the deadline. “I see many of our experts whom I respect and today I write various articles and contributions on the Internet. No need to do that. You need to put your hand to the work and come help. We will certainly address those we believe could be of benefit to the cleansing process. “ said Hamran.

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1 thought on “Police President Hamran: I’ll have the office inspected first”

  1. Keby sa cistky v celej spolocnosti robili skoro po r.1989, tak by SR dnes bola uz niekde uplne inde! Zial, vtedajsi politici “museli” suhlasit a podpisat este ani dnes neuverejnene tajne dohody s RF ze urciti ludia nebudu trestne stihani a podobne. Opytajte sa na tuto vec p. Carnogurskeho. 🙁


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