Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – A police officer wanted to have a corona vaccination with side effects recognized as an accident at work – and her lawsuit at the Freiburg Administrative Court failed. According to a statement on Tuesday, the court decided that the woman was under no official obligation to go to the vaccination center. (Case 3 K 3268/21).
The officer had registered for vaccination during the corona pandemic in March 2021. The appointment was made through the police headquarters at a vaccination center. The woman received a working time credit of two hours for this.
After the vaccination, the officer was hospitalized for several days because her tongue was swollen from an allergic reaction. In addition, she suffered from a feeling of tightness, as the court announced.
The court ruled that the prerequisite for an accident at work was bodily harm that occurred “in the course of or as a result of the service”. The vaccination center is not a place of duty. Participation in the vaccination was also not a business event. As the court further announced, the policewoman can appeal within one month after the delivery of the judgment handed down in May.
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