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Police officers identified 14 drunk drivers

in 2024 March 25 – April 1 The officers of the Road Police Department of Klaipėda County VPK recorded a total of 572 KET violations and identified 14 drunk drivers.

03/25/2024 at about 8:58 a.m. Klaipėda, Medelyno str. – Paribi str. born in 1975 for the driver of the Volkswagen car stopped at the intersection. set at 0.66 percent. drunkenness 03/29/2024 around 18:05 Klaipėda, Bangų st., 1960 0.96 prom. was determined for the born driver of the Toyota car, on the same day at around 8:03 p.m. Klaipėda, Turgaus st. – Tiltų st. at the intersection, checked for the starting 2004. 0.40 prom was determined for the boy who was born, who drove a BMW car, and at around 21.10 Klaipėda, Tiltų st., suspended in 2002. 1.31 prom was determined for the born Audi driver. drunkenness, as well as the person did not have the right to drive, because he has not acquired it. 30/03/2024 at about 4:29 p.m. Kretinga district, on the Klaipėda–Triušiai–Kretinga road, 1967. 0.54 percent was determined for the born Hyundai driver. drunkenness 31/03/2024 around 10:36 a.m. Klaipėda district, Dituva village, suspended in 1992 1.05 prom was determined for the born BMW driver, on the same day at around 7.41 am. in Klaipėda, Rimkų st., 1977 for a born Opel driver – 0.68 percent. drunkenness 04/01/2024 around 7:00 a.m. in Klaipėda, Vilniaus pl., 1967 the born Ford driver was set at 1.21 prom., around 12:55 p.m. Klaipėda district, Darguži village, 1986 for the born “Kia” driver – 0.59 prom., around 12:13 p.m. Klaipėda district, on the main road Klaipėda-Liepoja, 1976. born Volkswagen driver – 0.45 prom., around 17:03 in Palanga, Elijas st., 1970 for the born Hyundai driver – 0.47 percent, and around 7:04 a.m. in Klaipėda, Vilniaus pl., 1988 for a born MAN truck driver – 0.27 prom., around 9:30 a.m. in Klaipėda, Vilniaus pl., 1972 a born Ford driver has a 1.34 percentile. drunkenness, it is also recorded that the person was driving, although he has not obtained the right to drive. 04/01/2024 around 4:40 p.m. Kretinga district, Lazdininkai village, inspected in 1981. a born Ford driver has a 0.42 percentile. drunkenness, and that the person does not have the right to drive, because he has not acquired it.

During the week, six more drivers who did not have the right to drive were identified. 03/28/2024 around 1:45 p.m. Klaipėda district, Kiškėnai village, after checking in 2002 The man who drove the Suzuki motorcycle was found not to have the right to drive this type of vehicle. On the same day at around 2:25 p.m., Klaipėda district, Kiškėnai village, 1998. a born Honda motorcycle driver was also not authorized to drive this type of vehicle. 03/29/2024 at about 9:26 p.m. Klaipėda, Turgaus st. and Tiltų st. was stopped at the intersection in 1986. the driver of the Kia car was born without the right to drive, because he did not acquire it. 30/03/2024 around 4:30 p.m. Plunges district, Varkalių village, 1983. the man who was born drove a Dodge car, although he also did not get a driver’s license. 04/01/2024 around 1:30 p.m. Klaipėda district, on the main road Klaipėda-Liepija, after checking in 2007 born Audi driver was found not to have the right to drive this category of vehicle. On the same day at about 4:38 p.m. Kretinga district, Lazdininkai village, after the suspension in 1970 a Peugeot driver born in

Four cyclists who have drunk too much alcohol will not escape responsibility. 03/27/2024 at about 7:59 p.m. Kretinga district, Salantai, a cyclist born in 1997 was found to have a 1.23 prom., around 5:02 p.m. In Palanga, Klaipėdos pl., 1977 born cyclist – 1.45 prom. drunkenness 30/03/2024 around 23:30 Palanga, Sodų st., a certified cyclist born in 1992. set at 1.44 prom., and on 03/31/2024 at around 10:29 a.m. Klaipėda district, Dituvos village, 1984 -0.64 percent for a man who was born, as well as a man who rode a bicycle. drunkenness

During the week, Klaipėda County traffic police officers also recorded that 60 drivers were using mobile devices illegally, 20 drivers and 3 passengers were not wearing seat belts, and another 53 were not passing pedestrians. As the weather warms up, special attention is paid to the traffic safety of two-wheeled vehicles – during the week it was recorded that four with micromobility devices and one person riding a moped was not wearing a helmet, a minor bicycle driver was riding without a brightly colored, reflective vest and lighted lights, and one cyclist was also riding without reflectors in the dark.

During the week, 381 cases of exceeding the speed limit were recorded with a mobile speedometer, and 8 more with a manual speedometer.

Press release

#Police #officers #identified #drunk #drivers
– 2024-04-07 11:54:46

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