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Police Officer Charged with Homicide: Conditions of Detention and Comparison to High-Profile Inmates

It’s been a little over a week since the police officer charged with intentional homicide after to the death of Nahel is incarcerated in pre-trial detention at the Health prison, in the isolation ward. Asked by BFM TVhis lawyer, Me Laurent-Franck Liénard returned to his conditions of detention.

On June 29, the investigative chamber of the Versailles Court of Appeal confirmed his placement in pre-trial detention to prevent him from talking with his colleague present during the intervention. The measure also had a protective aim by protecting the police officer from possible reprisals.

His lawyer explained Thursday that his client, who can benefit from a daily walk, “doesn’t see anyone”, “he is alone with himself and he writes a lot. “His lawyer continues:” He is still in a state of amazement. We see him, we talk to him, but there are still a lot of things he doesn’t master […] and for him, it is totally hopeless. »

A detention regime “identical” to certain “heavy profiles”

Deputy National Rally of Bouches-du-Rhône, Romain Baubry, used his right of visit as a parliamentarian to go to the Parisian prison and “observe the conditions of detention of this policeman”. He also wanted “to make sure he couldn’t meet any held knowing the heavy profiles who are incarcerated on the same floor, a few cells apart”.

In particular, near Franck Elong Abé, who is serving a nine-year prison sentence for participating in a criminal association for the preparation of an act of terrorism. He was held responsible for the death of Corsican independence activist Yvan Colonna in March 2022 while they were both in detention in Arles. The nationalist MP denounced the detention regime faced by the policeman, saying that it is “identical to that of this terrorist”.

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