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Police news for Offenbach, May 12, 2022: Joint press release from the Hanau public prosecutor’s office and the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse on Thursday, May 12, 2022

Capital crimes in Offenbach currently: What happened today? The police headquarters in Southeast Hesse provides information about police reports from today. News.de keeps you up to date on accident, fire and crime reports in your region.

In Ziegenrück, Thuringia, a man shot at police officers (symbolic image).
Image: Adobe Stock / Destina

Joint press release by the Hanau public prosecutor’s office and the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse on Thursday, May 12, 2022

Offenbach (ots) –

After a suspected homicide: the identity of the dead children has been clarified / the first results of the autopsy are available / the search for the perpetrator continues – Hanau

(lei) One day after the death of two children in connection with an alleged family drama in Hanau’s Römerstraße (we reported), the identity of the two deceased is now certain: It is an eleven-year-old boy and his seven-year-old sister who are in the multi-storey house.

According to the results of the autopsies carried out on Wednesday at the Forensic Medicine Institute in Frankfurt/Main, the girl died as a result of severe trauma to the neck area. The boy was found to have multiple internal injuries, suggesting a fall from a great height. The reasons for such a fall are part of the comprehensive investigation that is currently being conducted into the suspicion of murder.

Incidentally, the extensive forensic measures that began yesterday and the search for a male suspect are ongoing. However, no further personal information can currently be released, particularly with regard to the ongoing search measures.

Observations by passers-by or local residents could also be an important element in clarifying this case. Anyone who has seen a conspicuous person in connection with the crime is therefore asked to contact the Hanau criminal police on 06181 100-123.

Media representatives are asked to register at
This report was sent on May 12, 2022, 5:11 a.m. by the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse.

Criminal statistics on the crime of murder and manslaughter in the district of Frankfurt am Main

In 2020, the police crime statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) registered in the district Frankfurt am Main 57 offenses in the area of ​​murder, manslaughter and euthanasia. In 91,2% of cases remained the same attempted killing. In 5 cases it was shot. the clearance rate was included in 2020 91,2%. among the a total of 63 suspects were 59 men and 4 women. 61.9% of the persons are suspects of non-German origin.

Alter number of suspects
under 21 13
21 bis 25 12
25 bis 30 12
30 bis 40 11
40 bis 50 9
50 bis 60 4
over 60 2

For the year 2019 are the police crime statistics of the BKA 68 recorded cases of murder, manslaughter and euthanasia crimes known in the district of Frankfurt am Main, the clearance rate was attached here 89,7%.

+++ Editorial note: This text was created on the basis of current data from blue light report of the press portal and criminal statistics of the BKA. Original content from: “Notification provider”, transmitted by news aktuell: To the press portal report. In order to inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact zettel@news.de. +++

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