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Police involved in 1216 traffic accidents – Berlin.de

Patrol cars and other cars of the Berlin police were involved in 1216 traffic accidents last year. The vast majority of accidents involving police cars only resulted in property damage, as the Senate’s response to a Green question shows. In 49 accidents people were slightly injured, 12 times there were seriously injuries, and 2 pedestrians were killed.

The numbers in previous years were in a similar range. In 2019, police car crews were responsible for far more than half of the accidents. In total, police vehicles completed around 760,000 missions at the time, around 160,000 of which with flashing lights and sirens. The most common causes of accidents were driving too close to the vehicle in front and lack of attention when reversing.

Source: dpa

| Updated: Monday, February 8, 2021 1:28 p.m.

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