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Police Investigating Filming of Women by Municipal Superintendent

Although as many as 86 women have reported the former municipal superintendent, it is not unlikely that the number will rise, according to the police.

– In addition, we are in contact with a couple more, and we are prepared that there may be more. Through the investigation, we have seen that the reports have come in waves, in connection with the fact that information has become public, says investigation manager Ellen Mari Burheim in Trøndelag police district to TV 2.

On 24 August last year, the doctor was charged by the police with having obtained sexual intercourse through abuse of a position, relationship of dependency or relationship of trust. He denies criminal guilt. The police have previously said that they have seized a significant amount of video material from the accused’s doctor’s office. The content must contain highly personal sensitive content, the police say.

– The police aim to identify those who have been filmed, and will contact them on an ongoing basis, regardless of whether the relationship has currently been reported, wrote the police in Trøndelag in February.

Burheim says they hope they can complete the investigation within the year. She understands that the long use of time can be perceived as a burden for those involved.

– But it is therefore a very extensive investigation, which therefore requires a lot of time and resources. Even if we complete the review of the video material before the summer, there will still be work to be done, says the head of the investigation.

2023-05-11 16:38:12

#reviews #municipal #chief #inspector

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